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Billie POV

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I ask AG who's under the covers on her bed.

She had texted me saying that she wasn't feeling well so I came back with Lulu. Her mom went out for a while, so it was just us.

"I'm fine." She mutters. "I'll get you some medicine." I say walking out and I get some Aleve to help with her stomach pain and a bottle of water. I walk back into the room and I open the water bottle for her setting it down on the desk.

I pull the blankets off of AG and she groans. "Leave me alone." She says. She's always like this when she's sick. "You have to take something, I promise it will make you feel better."

I tap AG and she smacks my fingers away causing me to let out a sigh. "Get up, you'll feel so much better." I try to persuade her. I grab the pills and give her the water when she sits up.

She holds them and I say "Come on." AG stares at me intently and I raise an eyebrow. "I don't want to." She mutters. "Yes you do, you're just being fussy. Take it."





"I said no!" She yells and she throws the opened water bottle and pills at me. I gasp at her sudden aggression, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I shout.

"You." She says. "Okay, I don't know if you went nuts in the head, but don't say shit like that." I say.

AG gets up from bed and tries to get pass by me. "Billie, move." AG says. "No, you're acting like a fucking jerk."

"Move out of my way." She spits again. I look up at her and I suddenly feel a stinging pain on my cheek. Did she just slap me? (A/n: im so sorry but I had to do it...)

"I'm going out, by the time I come back, the spilled water on the floor better be gone."

She walks to her living room grabbing her keys and leaving the house. I fall to the ground with my head in my hands as I feel the tears wet my face. She's never laid her hands on me that way, so why now?

She's been acting different these few weeks. First, I find dope in her car, next she's going missing and coming home high as shit, and now she puts her hands on me.

This is my first relationship with a girl and I don't want it to be like this. I'm supposed to be staying with her until her playoffs game which was just postponed 3 months back for some reason, I was staying with her for even longer than we thought.

I get up rubbing the tears off of my face and I walk into the kitchen grabbing the mop and drying the floor of the water spilled on it.

Once I'm finished, I lay on the couch and Lulu jumps into the couch. I pet her a little and I guess she senses my sadness because she cuddles near my chest and her tail slowly stops wagging.


"Billie?" I hear my name being called and my eyes flutter open. I see it's AG's mom kneeling down in front of me. "Are you okay, you look like you were crying." She says.

"No, I'm fine, just a little tired." I say. "Oh, then go sleep in a bed, the couch is going to make your back hurt." She tells me and I nod. I get up carefully because Lulu's sleeping and I don't want to wake her up.

I walk over to AG's room and I hear her in the bathroom. She must've came back without me knowing. I walk into the bathroom and AG glances at me before walking out.

"Great, she's ignoring me." I mutter to myself. I wash my face with warm water and I change into my pajamas. I close the bathroom door behind me and I see AG's on the bed looking intently at her laptop.

"What are you doing?" I ask her once I get into the bed. "Basketball stuff." She simply says. "I'm sorry." I apologize knowing that her stubbornness wasn't going to get me an apology.

"Okay." She says. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask. I don't like when she's angry with me, I feel so guilty.

"Stop talking to me." She says.

"Bitch." I mutter. She looks up, closes her laptop, and turns to me. She grabs my chin roughly and I wince at the pain. "Please stop, you're hurting me." I tell her.

She lets me go and I bite my bottom lip to prevent me from crying. "Are you going to cry?" AG chuckles.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask her. "Doing what?" She says to me. I scowl at her and she snaps up grabbing my hair in the process.

"Ah!" I wince. "I'm not your friend, so don't treat me like one." She lets me go pushing me too. I let the tears take over me and she asks "Why are you crying? I'm a bitch, right?"

"I'm sorry." I say and she sighs before getting back in bed and pulling me into her. She shushes me running her fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry my love, I just want you to know that you're mine." She says pulling me even closer.

That was how it started, just with the slaps and hair pulling. In that moment, I should've left and never looked back, but the fear of loneliness kept me with her.

I should've known.

Hello, I know you may hate me for doing this to Billie. But I wanted to show how much drugs can affect a person, specifically in being aggressive. A lot of you are saying maybe AG should stop taking it but there's more to that coming soon, its only the 9th chapter.

Being addicted to a drug isn't easy at all, as I know from experience. This story in a way is describing how drugs got in my hands. This is not the exact story as mine, but I need you guys to realize that you cant just stop taking a drug and think you'll be perfectly fine.

Once your body gets used to it, it's going to crave it and these next few chapters, you'll see what I mean.

Goodbye, have a good day, or night wherever you are.

Accepted [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now