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Billie POV

“Hello Billie, my name is Doctor Maura Garcia, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The fairly older woman reached out to take my hand and I let her. “Your mother, Maggie told me about your recent situation.” Ms. Garcia explains and I resist rolling my eyes. 

“You decided not to report it to police.”

“Yep.” I say casually. “And why is that?” She asks me. “She has a career and I do not plan on ruining it.” I say quietly. “You’re a caring person.” She says.

“I guess you can say that.” I shrug. “Would you like to talk about your abuser?” 

“Don’t call her that!” I shout startling her a bit. “I apologize, what would you like me to call her?” God, this bitch is annoying. “AG.” I answer her. 

“How did you meet AG?” She asks me. “Our moms were childhood friends but lost touch and they rekindled about 2 years ago.” 

“So you and AG started out as friends, I’m assuming.” 

“Best friends.” I correct her. “How would you describe her before the abuse?” 

“There’s no way to describe her but it was all good things.” I say. “Can you think of any reason why she decided to resort to violence?” 

“No idea. Stress, maybe. I don’t know.” I shrug. “Okay, I’m going to ask some questions about your relationship with AG, if you ever feel uncomfortable, please let me know.” I nod at the therapist’s request.

“Has AG ever tried to force sexual intercourse?”


“Has she ever threatened to hurt your family members?”


“Can you give me a number of the amount of times she’s put her hands on you?”

“Too many to keep track.” 

“What’s the worst injury she’s given you?” 

“My shoulder.”

“Are you still in contact with her?”


“Do you plan on contacting her?”

“Yes. Well, when I decide to.” 

“Can you describe AG’s life to me?” 

“What do you mean?” I ask her because of my confusion. “What does she do for a living, do you know anything about her childhood?” 

“Oh. She’s a professional basketball player, she’s 17, she grew up without a father, she just has her mother-”

“Okay, so she grew up without a father. Did she talk about him?” 

“All she would say was that she wanted to meet him, but her mom wouldn’t let her.” I shrug. “I don’t believe the absence of her father triggered the abuse. Billie, before it started, was she showing any weird signs?” 

I think for a while trying to think anything weird, “She came home high a few days before she put her hands on me for the first time.” I say remembering that morning in Kentucky. 

“Was she hungover?” 

“No, she was full on high, maybe weed. I wouldn’t know. I don’t smoke or drink.” 

“That’s good to know, but now I’m worried about AG. She’s high a few days before she hits you the first time and I talked to Maggie who spoke with AG’s mother Vanessa and she learned AG was drinking when she went to speak with her.” 

“Drinking? No. That’s impossible. Maybe, she had one night of fun being high, but drinking? No.” I dismiss everything she’s saying. “Billie, is there a possibility that she could be under the influence of drugs and alcohol.”

“Nope. I know her, we’ve been together for 9 months.” I roll my eyes. “Oh, you guys are still in a relationship?” Maura asks. “Yes, I told her I wanted space, not that I wanted to break up with her.” I answer.

“Okay, was it your choice to stay or do you feel obligated?”

“I’m just attached to her, I can’t let people go so easily. I just want to understand the reasoning of why she decided to hit me.”

“So if you get that reason, what do you want to do?”

“I really don’t know. All of this happened unexpectedly.”

“Domestic violence is always unexpected and you did the right thing by leaving when you could, is there a way for me to get in contact with AG’s mother. I’m concerned.” 

“Why would you be concerned? I said she’s not on drugs.” I tell Maura. “You said she was a professional basketball player, right? A player from the Lakers Basketball Team was taking meth illegally and it affected him not only when he was playing but also when we wasn’t and he and his wife kind of went down the same road like you and AG are going through right now.” 

“He hit his wife?” I ask. “No, but he became distant and stopped coming home. He started having an affair with a fan of his.” 

“Oh, I feel bad for the wife.” I mutter. “Widow now.” Maura corrects me. “You know her?” 

“No, she’s me,” She says. “He collapsed on the court and died due to an overdose.” 

“Oh! I’m so sorry. I probably came off as insensitive.” I say and I noticed she’s still wearing her ring. “Look, I don’t want what happened to Yvis to happen to AG, so that’s why I want to know if AG could be taking anything?”

“How would I know? I don’t talk to her.” I shrug. “Have there been any signs?” She asks me.

“No-” I pause when I start to remember when I found that bottle of dope in her car and she told me it wasn't hers. “Oh God, I’m so stupid.” I say. “Remember something?”

“She’s taking dope, it’s obvious. I found a bottle of it in her car, but she denied it and I fucking believed her. And the crazy thing, she’s a bad liar, so how the hell did I let her slide like that? Bro, what if she’s dead? Oh my go-” 

“Billie, Billie. Calm down, you’re rambling honey.”

“Can I make a phone call really quick?” I ask. “Of course.” I get up and I go outside of the office pulling out my phone. I go to call AG but my phone is snatched out of my hands. “What are you doing?” Mom asks me. “N-nothing.” I mutter.

“Get back in there. And I’m keeping your phone for the rest of the day.”

“I seriously hate you right now.” I tell her and she smiles before kissing me on my forehead.

Next chapter might be a little sad...

Accepted [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now