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Billie POV

Okay, I totally regret coming to this party. It's just a house full of people who are literally fucking in front of each other. I was able to find a place in the back of the house by myself and be fine with it.

"Billie?" I hear Kennedy's voice. "Yes?" I say and then Kennedy's figure comes in view. "Oh hello, you made it." She says excitedly and she sits on the couch with me.

I take her appearance and she's wearing a grey tank top, black sweatpants, and some slides. Casual, I guess. "Are you flirting with me with your eyes?" She asks smirking.

"Shut up." I laugh a little. "Do you want a drink?" She asks getting up. "Water will be fine." I say. "Really no beer, or alcohol?"

"I don't drink." I tell her smiling. "Do you smoke?" She asks me.

"No I don't." I say. "Wow, Ms. Eilish is a goody two shoes."

"Ew, never call me Ms. Eilish again." I gag. "What would you want me to call you?"

"Um maybe start with my name. Billie." I say sarcastically. "But that's boring..." She groans. "Oh, I know! Dildo."

"Did you just say dildo?"

"You kind of look like a dildo." Kennedy shrugs. "So it's obvious you've never seen a dildo." I confirm.

"Or used one. My fingers do the magic." She smirks. "I hate you." I laugh and she grabs my hand pulling me up and dragging me to the front of the house.

"Okay, I won't drink tonight."

"Good, alcohol makes people do stupid things," I say. "Drugs too." I add on.

"I kind of like doing dumb things." Kennedy bites her lip. "Wanna get out of here?" I ask her and she nods. She says bye to a few of her friends and we leave and get into my car.

"Where are we going Ms. Eilish?"

"Kennedy, stop with the Ms. Eilish bullshit." I groan. "I'm sorry, where are we going dildo?"

I slap her thigh playfully and she says "Let's go stargazing."

"In LA, there are no stars." I chuckle.

"Let's go back to my place then." Kennedy suggests. "Okay, show me the way."

We drive for a while and we arrive at her apartment and she pulls me inside of it. "Oh." I say when I look around. It's nice for a small apartment.

"You don't like it?" Kenn asks. "No, it's perfect." I say and she nods.

We've been watching the office for 2 hours now and Kennedy was laughing at something and I couldn't help but realize how similar her laugh was to AG's. Full of life and easy to tell if it was genuine or fake.

Kennedy turns around and look at me. "What is your dumbass looking at?" She asks.

"At you Ms. Blake." I say. "Now that I see it, you don't really look like a dildo."

"What do I look like?" I ask. "Really beautiful." She blurts.

I look down and my face is lifted by her hand and she kisses me. I pull away quickly.

"What the fuck?" I ask getting up. She gets up too and scammers "I'm s-sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I just thought we had something going on, the flirting and shit-" I cut her off by grabbing her face and kissing her again.

She's shocked at first but easily molds with my lips. I was shorter than her so she pulled me closer to her and her fingers running through my hair.

"Jump." She whispers. I do so and she walks somewhere I assume is her bedroom. She places me on the bed, I resist wincing at the pain in my shoulder and she sinks into my neck.

I take off her shirt and she takes mine off. She takes off of my sweats and I'm left in my underwear.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful." She mutters and slides my underwear down. My breathing gets heavier and she finally goes down.

"Oh, fuck!"


I park my car and walk to the front door of the loft. I unlock it and I'm invited with all the girls Mia, Olivia, Avery, Izzy, and Mac.

"Um how are you guys in my house?" I ask them. "Lets not worry about that, we have a situation." Izzy says.

"The only situation I see is Avery and Olivia literally close to fucking on my couch." I watch the two making out and Avery pulls away saying "Your guest room is locked."

I throw her a key and she gets up pulling Olivia with her. "What's the problem?" I ask.

"Mia." Mac points. I see Mia yelling on her phone while drinking beer.

"Then she has the nerve to tell me that it's not what it looks like. How? You are on top of her naked and it doesn't look like you were fucking her!?" Mia yells and she takes another sip.

"Mia, are you on live?" I ask walking to her. I see she's on tiktok live and I try to reach for her and she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What are you doing?" I whisper at her. "Exposing this stupid bitch named Jersey."

"Your girlfriend?" I ask. "EX girlfriend."

"Well can you get off of here? You are embarrassing yourself."

"I don't give a shit, this bitch-" she waves the beer around. "Thinks she can sleep with her ex and not be embarrassed? Not today bitch." I dodge the beer bottle that she's swinging around and I finally grab the beer and phone of out of her hands.

I end the live and set both things on the table. "Just chill." I say and Mia looks at me before she hugs me and cries into my jersey. "It's okay." I shush her.

"I really liked her." She says muffled in my shirt. The two were dating for just 4 months so it sucks. "Hey, there's rtfthis girl that knows exactly how you feel, wanna meet her."

Mia looks at me and asks "What's her name?"

"Lyric, you'll love her." I say. She nods and she sniffles. We all suddenly hear moaning and Mac says "That's gross."

"I know you're not the one complaining." I say.

"What?" She shrugs and looks at Izzy. "Don't look at me, I don't know what to say." Izzy says.

"Whatever. Let's go meet this Lyric girl." Mac shrugs.

Billie slept with Kennedy, how do you feel? Technically, Billie never broke up with AG, she just said she needed space, do you think that counts as cheating?

Also, I've been reading you guy's comments and I just want to warn you that there will be a time skip.

Again, THERE WILL BE A TIME SKIP WITHING THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS because y'all really want the babies back together again.

Accepted [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now