Chapter Sixteen

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I sit on the edge of Rizal Finnigan's bed as he explains to me what's going to happen.

"You're going to stay here, and if you come up through the hatch I'll be there." He turns around and goes up a couple rungs, then says without turning to me, "And don't think about getting Rodriguez in. I'll be watching you."

"Will you tell me when Rajveer gets here?" I ask, ever hopeful.

"You'll know." Rizal laughs and then climbs up to deck two, his black shoes disappearing. I sigh and then get up, searching for something to do. I get down on my hands and knees, looking under Rizal's bed, just to get blinded by green LED lights.

"Youch." I mutter and then get up, staring into the bathroom through the mirror. I'm about to turn away when Rodriguez comes through, shirtless and carrying a black towel with the words Black Fury stitched into it. I forget he can't see me and continue looking at him. He turns to the mirror, his eyes digging into mine.

"Hello Ray." He says while flexing his pecs. I turn red and look him in the eyes as he laughs.

"I can see your red face."

"How?" I ask, looking into his mischievous eyes.

"I can change whether the mirror is one sided and on which side, if I want it to be like a window or just a normal mirror on both sides." Rodriguez explains, and then looks at me, his eyebrows raised.

"Were you going to stay watching me?"

I feel myself go an even deeper shade of red and see Rodriguez smile while I'm trying to explain.

"I would. I mean, I wouldn't. No. I would not stay watching you. Honestly! I just wanted to see your tattoo again."

He is laughing harder than ever before, and then steps closer to the window mirror, so very close.

"I don't think you'd turn away."

"Would you?" I ask, trying to gain some edge.

"Would I what?"

"Would you stay watching me if I was getting into the shower?" I question, and see him smile unabashedly.

"Probably, unless you saw me."

"And when would you tell me?" I feel my face fill with heat and I know I must look ridiculous. He doesn't seem to notice, and just keeps grinning.

"Uh, around..." Rodriguez looks up to the ceiling, and then back down, "Around the time of never."

I stare at him, and ask, "Okay then, Mr.Lover, would you care to tell me what the heck I'm doing here?"

"Well, I would tell you but our tradition requires me not to tell."

"What am I supposed to do then?"

"Wait until Rajveer gets here and then you will find out." Rodriguez smiles, "Then I get to kiss your perfect lips."

I smile then ask, "Would you actually punch Rizal?"

"Heck yeah. You're mine to kiss, not his." Rodriguez answers, smiling broadly.

"You're so incredible Ray. Whoever paid Gale and Lynn to hurt you, I can, I will, destroy them."

I smile as I feel a crawling sensation on my neck. I know it's not real, but I can't keep myself from feeling Gale's fingers scraping at my neck, hearing his scream, feeling that rod.

"Are you okay?" Rodriguez asks, bringing me back from the past.

"Uh, yeah. Just Gale in my head." I say as Rodriguez opens the wall, coming out to give me a tight hug. I smile and close my eyes, feeling his chest against my face. He slowly moves his hand from my back to my head, running his fingers through my dark hair. I hold my hands around his back until he says, "Rizal's watching you, isn't he?"

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