Chapter 1: Goodbye Elena Gilbert

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Its Bonnie and I's turn to say goodbye to Elena Gilbert. Our best friend. I mean how do you even begin that? What do you even say? How do you say goodbye to someone that has always been in your life.
I never get an answer. I know that I will never find out how to do it. Instead, we do the only thing we can think of, the only thing we want to do in our final moments together and we talk for what felt like hours. We knew our times was limited, others still had to say goodbye, but how can you say goodbye to the most important person in your life?

Elena caught eyes with me, she knew what I was thinking, she was always good at that. Pulling me into a tight embrace, she buries her head into the nook of my shoulder. I grip onto Elena like she is my lifeline, well truthfully she is. I never want to let go, weeping into the space between her neck and shoulder, trying my best to commit this memory to my mind. The way her arms wrap around me, the smell of her hair, because as much as I want to say I will see Elena again, I have no idea when that will be. 

I have to remind myself however, that however I am feeling or whatever I am thinking it's nothing compared to what Bonnie is going through. She is Elenas' best friend, and they are never going to see each other again. I will see Elena again, even if it decades away. I will see her. Bonnie does not. 

For Elena to return, Bonnie must die. 

It takes everything within me to pull away from Elenas' embrace.

"I will," I manage to choke out. 

The tears don't stop, even after I take my last look at Elena, before leaving Bonnie with Elena to say their goodbyes. 

I look around the room and see Damon staring into space, Jeremy holding his hands in his head and Tyler looking at the floor. I look around confused at where Stefan is until I use my vampire hearing and realise he is in the shower, he doesn't think anyone knows but I've picked up on it he goes in the shower at least five times a day to cry as Damon gets mad at anyone who gets upset about Elena as he believes he is the only one that should be able to cry as Elena was his girlfriend. I knew I was going to cry and I needed to let it all out without Damon trying to kill me for it, so I use my vampire speed and leave the Salvatore boarding house and run into the middle of the woods and cry. I cry so much it physically hurts, I scream and fall onto the floor and stay there.

Bonnie's POV: After Caroline left it was just me and Elena and we talked some more remembering about our lives before all of the supernatural entered it. We gave each other a hug and Elena pulled away,
"Do you think you can do it one last time?" She asks in a shaky voice. I agreed and I made Elena's feathers float that I got from her pillow. I eventually let go and allow the others to say goodbye.

Caroline's POV: I eventually pull myself together and go back to the boarding house and pretend I'm ok and everyone believes me, I take a seat next to Tyler and he holds my hand. I don't pull away cause even though we've broken up I need someone.

Stefan's POV: I've been crying for twenty minutes now and I think someone will start being suspicious about it as this is my third shower of the day. The only times I get to cry are when I'm in the woods or when I'm in the shower as Damon gets mad at anyone who mourns Elena.

*Flashback - In Elena's hospital room*
I look at Elena's peaceful body as she breathes in and out, I reach and hold her hand and speak to her,
"Hey Elena, it's me Stefan I don't know how we are going to solve this one but I promise you I won't stop until I figure out how to break the spell". I take away my hand from Elena's and cry into my own.
I stop when I hear someone walk down the hallway. The door opens and Damon walks in looks at Elena and then looks at me.
"What are you doing in here?" he asks with a puzzled look in his face.
"Oh I'm just talking to her and hoping she can hear me" I reply curious as to why he is so bothered that I'm visiting Elena. I feel a tear on my face and quickly wipe it away.
"Have you been crying?" Damon asks raising his voice slightly.
"Yeah I guess I have" I reply starting to get annoyed as to why Damon was acting this way. My thoughts were soon blurred when Damon punched me in the face he does it over and over again whilst shouting,
"She's mine I won the girl, she's not yours I'm the only one allowed to cry. You can pass that message along to the others as well, especially blondie she's been crying far too much for my liking." Damon then leaves the room and I look over to Elena with blood dripping down my face
"I guess I'll see you soon Elena, I love you so much don't you ever forget that" I bent over and kissed her on the forehead.
*Flashback ends*

I quickly remember that we have guests round to say goodbye to Elena so I quickly grab a blood bag finish it all off and go downstairs.
I emerge into the living and look around I see Tyler and Caroline sitting on the couch holding hands, I think nothing of it because even though I know they have broken up I know Caroline needs someone, even if she acts like she doesn't. Damon got up from his seat and of course walked to the bourbon cabinet and takes a swig from the bottle.
My heart breaks though when I turn around and see Jeremy with his hands in his face crying, I slowly walk up to him and pat him on the back and he looks up and nods his head at me and smiles. I take this as a sign that this is my turn to say goodbye, I take Elena's hand and let her into my thoughts.

For some reason Elena decided to take us on a long hike for our goodbye we talk for ages and she tells me not to go round killing anyone and I promise her. We says our good byes and I pull her into a hug,
"I love you so much Stef, hold onto that" Elena says whilst crying into the nook of my shoulder, she fits so perfectly in there almost as if she is meant to be but I can't think like that anymore as she doesn't love me like that.
"I love you too Elena, always have always will" I reply whilst trying not to cry and just like that I was back in the living room, I let go of Elena's hand and kiss the top of her forehead and walk away to my room and have two more blood bags.

Damon's POV: My girl she's gone and everyone takes it upon themselves to cry and they don't understand that I don't want them to cry because she's my girlfriend I've suffered the biggest loss than anyone combined.
Stefan only lost his ex and I won her from him so it proves that she loves me more. Blondie is crying all the time but I don't understand why they were only friends. Tyler wasn't even close with Elena so I don't even understand why he is here right now, I'm so tempted to rip out his heart right here right now. I never really liked Jeremy I only tolerated him and kept him alive because Elena would leave me if he died on my watch. Bon Bon is the only exception she's the only one allowed to cry.

I walk towards Elena's coffin and allow her into my thoughts, we danced for a while and then had a big talk about our feelings and the future.
"Live your life Damon don't think about me, all you have to know is that when I wake up I'll be by your side no matter what." Elena said to me with watery eyes. With her saying that I knew it would be ok I could party, kill people and maybe even sleep with someone people because she would come back to me, she wouldn't even have to know.
"God I love you Elena" I reply with my signature smirk on my face, and with that I was gone and back in the living room. I walk around the room towards the bourbon and drink the whole bottle.

Jeremy said he's goodbye, his took the longest. Tyler then done his goodbyes and we moved Elena's coffin into the Salvatore crypt. Bonnie done a protection spell so only me, Stefan, blondie, Bon Bon, Jeremy and Tyler could see her coffin.

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