Chapter 8: She's back

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Rebekah's POV: "Well aren't you happy Elena is waking up?" I ask Bonnie and Damon who are acting very suspicious.
"Of course we are" they reply in unison. I've decided to keep my eye on these two as I don't like how they are acting.

Caroline's POV: I look over and see Rebekah is eyeing up Bonnie and Damon but I just pass it off as Rebekah being her usual self.
I turn to Bonnie and Damon and tell them what we have to do to break the spell and that the witch here is going to help us I'm just about to turn around when Damon pins me up against the wall with his hand against my neck and strangles me.
"You expect me to believe that this random witch is going to bring Bonnie back alive" Damon screams in my face.
The pressure against by throat is released all of a sudden and I see Damon being thrown across the room by Rebekah she uses her vampire speed to pick him up by his neck and shouts "Keep your hands off her" and drops him to the ground.
I look over and give her a look of appreciation and she smiles back at me. We all make our way to the Salvatore Crypt.

Stefan's POV: I unlock the gates to the crypt and walk straight to Elena's coffin and open the lid and kiss her on the forehead.
"Hey Elena, it's time for you to wake up now." I say and feel Damon's eyes on the back of my head but I couldn't care less about him right now, not with the way he's been acting.
"Are you ready?" The witch asks Bonnie. Strangely Bonnie looks at Damon and nods her head at him and Damon nods back and gives her a light smile.
I look over to Rebekah and notice she must of caught it as well because she was looking at them suspiciously.
"Yes I'm ready" Bonnie answers. The witch does a spell causing Bonnie to die, she falls to floor but Damon catches her before she hits the ground.

Elena's POV: I'm awake and I don't know how because it doesn't seem like its been seventy years.
Panic sets in immediately I look up to see Stefan and he lifts me out the coffin and brings me into a tight hug and I rest my head in the nook of his shoulder and it feels so right.
"Is Bonnie ok?" I ask crying. He shook his head in agreement and relief sets in.
After a long hug I let go and see Caroline looking at me and smiling I run up to her and pull her into a tight embrace glad she's back to being the Caroline I know and love.
"Where's Damon?" I ask Caroline and pull away from out hug and notice he is over Bonnies limp body and crying I call out his name repeatedly but I get no answer.
"Hey Elena" a familiar English voice says, I turn around and see Rebekah I'm confused as to why she is here but I get even more confused when she pulls me into a hug but weirdly instead of questioning her I hug her back. Finally letting go when a strange woman she's she will bring Bonnie back to life now, I walk closer towards Stefan, Bonnie suddenly wakes up and hugs Damon and they both pull apart and look around the room and notice me.

Damon's POV: I look around the room noticing everyone Stefan, Rebekah, Elena, Blondie - wait Elena
"Oh my god Elena you're alive" I say rushing to her and moving Stefan out of the way to hug her.
"Yeah about time you noticed" Elena says to me and slowly removing her self from the hug. Elena and Bonnie then catch each other's eyes and hug each other not letting each other go for a long time.

Stefan's POV: We explain what happened and how we found out how to break the spell we thanked the witch and Rebekah.
Elena started moving closer to me because Bonnie was moving closer to Damon.
She then got so close to me our shoulders were touching and I felt a spark, it was strange I haven't felt a spark like that since we were dating.
We decided to all walk back slowly and Rebekah walked next to Elena and started talking to her. I really wanted to talk to Elena but I decided them two needed to talk and I had all the time in the world to talk to Elena.

Elena's POV: Rebekah comes up to me and asks if she could talk to me and I was still weirded out that she helped break the spell in the first place but either way she helped me.
"Yeah of course" I answered to her and she gave me a genuine smile I haven't seen since my humanity was off.
"You need to be careful and keep an eye on Bonnie and Damon, I don't like the way they are acting with each other." Just before she leaves she says
"It's good to have you back Elena" and then walks to Caroline. I now start to think back to when I woke up and saw Damon crying over Bonnie's body I first I thought it was nothing just Damon crying over the loss of friend but then he knew she was coming back to life.
Also how Bonnie was moving closer to Damon when we were in the crypt, I walk over to Stefan and ask him, about Bonnie and Damon.

"To be honest Elena this is the first time I've seen Damon in weeks, I haven't really left my room" Stefan says to me whilst I look into his deep green eyes.
"I wrote it all down in a diary like you asked me to" he finishes off before pulling me into another hug and saying he's missed me so much.
I hug Stefan back because truthfully I've missed him the most.
Everyone goes back to the boarding house and goes into separate rooms except from me and Damon of course.
I leaned into him and kissed him but he pulls away and says he's tired and goes to sleep. After I know he's asleep I start walking to Caroline's room because I know she will need me.

Caroline's POV: I look up from my phone when I hear someone coming up the stairs and Elena walks into my room. A sigh of relief leaves my body as I realise that Elena didn't forget that I needed her.
"You didn't think I forgot did you?" Elena asks whilst giggling and comes and lies next to me in the bed,
"How did you sleep all the other nights when I was gone?" Elena asks me.
"Erm I've only slept for two days in total Elena" she looks at me in shock.
"It was only because I told Rebekah about how I can't sleep and so she's been compelling me to sleep at night, she's really helped me" I say back to her.
"Since when was Rebekah nice to us?"Elena asks me when giggling.
We both looked at each other confused when we hear a knock on the door and Rebekah walks in.
"Hey Caroline, do you need me to compe- oh hi Elena" Rebekah says she was obviously gonna ask if I need compelled to sleep tonight but the stopped when she saw Elena.
"Oh sorry, I'll just go then" Rebekah says whilst walking towards the door.
"Don't be silly Rebekah come in and have a sleepover with us tonight as thank you for looking after my Care Bear for me when I've been gone.
Rebekah comes and joins me and Elena and I drift of to asleep.

Elena's POV: Rebekah is finally asleep which means I can leave I'm really hungry but I didn't want them to wake up and for me to ruin the moment.
I was about to go downstairs when I heard shuffling from a room and walk in,
"Hey Stefan"

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