Chapter 10: Heartbroken

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Damon's POV: I wake up and discover Elena isn't next to me so I figured she went to sleep with Caroline I go get changed and start to look for Elena because what she does for Caroline pisses me off.
I go to Caroline's room and see Rebekah and Caroline sleeping but not Elena. Strange but I keep looking, I walk into another room and see Bon Bon sleeping and I smile instantly. God I think I love her, I shut the door quietly hoping it doesn't wake her up my last hope was to go to Stefan's room and ask if he's seen Elena.
I walk to his room and see Elena sleeping next to Stefan all cuddled up to him and he has his arm around her. I grab Stefan by his neck slam him into the wall and punch him over and over again.

Elena's POV: I wake up to see Damon beating the crap out of Stefan.
"Damon stop, what the hell are you doing?" I say with tears down my face.
Damon hears me and grabs Stefan by the neck drags him to the door and throws him down the stairs.
I try to stop Damon by coming in between them both but Damon grabs me and throws me across the room I'm about to land on some broken furniture that was sticking up when Rebekah catches me and we both land on the floor away from the furniture.
Stefan drags himself off the floor and tries to fight back but Damon is stronger then Stefan. Bonnie comes rushing down the stairs I grab and her and say,
"No don't, he'll hurt you" she pulls away and looks at me in disgust and runs to Damon.
She comes in between Damon and Stefan and holds Damon's face and whispers something to him and even with my vampire hearing I couldn't hear what she was saying to him. Damon nods his head and says,
"One last thing though Bon Bon" he grabs a chair leg and is about to stab Stefan with it but I run in the way and Damon stabs me just missing my heart by an inch.

Caroline comes over to my side and pulls it out of me and holds me and Rebekah looks at me and gives me a look I nod and she pins Damon up against the wall. He tries to escape but Rebekah has centuries on him.
"What the bloody hell was all that about?" Rebekah shouts to Damon.
"He was hugging Elena" Damon says through gasps as Rebekah was strangling him.
"Yeah and I'm struggling to find your point here Damon, they were hugging not having sex" she says whilst gripping his neck tighter.
"Why don't you tell us what's going on with you and Bonnie?" Rebekah asks him and the room falls silent all you can hear are the struggling breathes of Damon, Stefan and me.
Rebekah looks at me and gives me another look I nod my head in agreement.
"You've left me with no choice" Rebekah says whilst grabbing his face with her spare hand, "What's going on with you and Bonnie?" Rebekah compels Damon this time.
Silence was in the room.
"Me and Bonnie have been sleeping with each other." Two seconds after Damon finishes his sentence Rebekah snaps his neck and lets his body fall to the floor.

Rebekah uses her vampire speed to run down to the cellar and grabs two blood bags for me and Stefan, I try to take one of her but I'm too weak.
"It's ok, I'll do it for you" she says to me and takes the top of the blood bag and carefully feeds it to me.
Caroline strokes my hair away from my face and helps me stand up. I thank Rebekah and Caroline and take the other bag from Rebekah and feed it to Stefan who was really struggling as Damon gave him a good beating.
I help Stefan up to his room and put him on his bed I was about to leave until he grabbed my hand.
"Elena, splinters" he says in a weak voice. I try my hardest and I get most of them out and then he says there's one underneath his heart and this is the hardest one to take out.
"Someone get some more blood bags please" I should hoping someone can hear me with their vampire hearing.
Five seconds later Rebekah comes through with two more bloods bag I thank her and she leaves the room.
I finally take the last splinter out and Stefan takes a sigh of relief.
"Here you go Stef drink up" I say whilst holding the blood to his mouth but he shakes his head.
"I can't Elena I had one yesterday" he says weakly.
"No Stef it's ok you can have some more, you need to build your strength back up." I say.
I help him drink the blood and I have another bag for myself as I'm still weak. We both lie next to each other on Stefan's bed and it finally hits me that my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend.
Stefan's arm was soon wrapped around me and I hug him as I let the tears fall down my face, I end up crying myself to sleep but Stefan never left my side once.

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