Chapter 5

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There was silence as Bellamy finished recounting the story. Clarke was the one to break it, asking: "Wait, but then how did Murphy get hurt? If we found some of his blood, then..."

Bellamy paused to think for a second. "Well, it's either I actually did hit him with the gun, or something else got him."

"Something else...?" Octavia prompted and he turned his head to look at her.

"Well, I mean, like a wild animal, which is unlikely, or..."

"Or Grounders," Clarke finished for him. "You think the Grounders got him?"

Bellamy shrugged. "It seems the most likely."

Octavia sighed and kicked the ground. Bellamy dug his fingers into the dirt and willed his head to stop pounding. When he looked up at Clarke, she was staring at him thoughtfully. Her thoughtfulness turned to concern when she saw how pale and shaky he was.

"Bellamy, are you okay?" She asked, reaching down and brushing the back of her hand over his sweaty forehead.

"I'm fine." He snapped, and Clarke withdrew her arm. Bellamy stood up, but the world tilted and he had to grab hold of Clarke's shoulders to stay upright.

Clarke surveyed him, eyes narrowing. She grabbed his wrist to help him stand, but he stumbled forward by accident and somehow ended up engulfed in a hug. He let out a choked laugh.

Bellamy was just so sick of this head injury, of these nightmares, of earth in general. He didn't want to be weak, but the walls he kept up were breaking. His eyes started to water, but Octavia cleared her throat and he stumbled back from Clarke in a daze.

Octavia was smirking. "Hate to break up the hug, but Bellamy isn't looking so good."

"I'm fine." He insisted, at the same time Clarke said.

"He's got a fever again."

Bellamy blinked and turned to her. "I do?"

Clarke sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah, it's not as bad as last time but we should probably get you back to camp."


He woke up from the nightmare crying. Bellamy sat up in a daze and stumbled out of the dropship. It was raining again.

Of course it was.

Before he knew what he was doing, he was in Clarke's tent. She was bent over a diagram, but she looked up when he entered the tent. Her mouth opened in surprise. "Bellamy, what are you-"

And he kissed her.

And, oh god. She melted into him almost immediately. Her lips were warm, she was warm, everything was warm. She was the one to pull back, and they rested their heads against one another.

It was dark, it was raining, and he'd just kissed Clarke. And she'd kissed him back. Clarke reached up and wiped the tears off his face with her thumb. She brushed aside the lingering curls on his forehead and he leaned into the cool touch.

"Your fever's gone down." She whispered mildly.


"Bellamy..." Clarke whimpered, her voice breaking. "Jesus Bellamy, are you delirious? Because I swear to god, if this is all because of that stupid fever..."

"No," He assured her. "No. I love you, Princess. I have for... well, since the day I met you."

Bellamy sighed. "Listen, I'm not very great with emotions, so can we just get back to kissing."

Clarke laughed. "Sure."


"O, I swear to god-"

Octavia snickered. "Don't worry big brother. I won't tell."

Bellamy ran a hand anxiously through his curly hair, further messing it up. "I'm serious. If anybody found out-"

"I know, I know," Octavia interrupted him again. "The 100 would revolt or whatever."

Octavia had seen him and Clarke kissing. After much, much laughing and yelling about 'how she'd predicted it' the Blake siblings were having this conversation.

"That's not it-" He insisted, but she waved him off and walked the opposite direction. So of course, by the end of the afternoon, the whole camp knew.


Bellamy and Clarke were laying next to each other in her tent, hands intertwined. "What about Finn?"

Clarke looked over at him and blinked. "What about him?" She asked.

"Will he..?"

"Oh, god no. Him and... him and Raven are dating."

Now it was Bellamy's turn to blink. "What? Really?"

Clarke laughed softly. "Don't look so surprised. Yeah, they're dating."

Bellamy turned away from her to hide his grin. She was his. She was really his.


Bellamy thought that he was immune to pain. He'd faced shit that others could only dream of. And yet here he was, relying on Clarke. Showing her his pain.

He was Bellamy fucking Blake, after all.

Bellamy Fucking Blake {Bellarke Season 1 Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now