Chapter 2

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There were whispers, voices, and snippets of conversation. It was like watching a movie, Bellamy was looking down on a scene below him. There was his mom, on the floor, sobbing. "It's all your fault..." she was whisper-hissing to a figure in the corner. The figure in the corner was young, maye about 4 or 5... wait. That was him.

His mom stood up and she whispered: "Oh well, I guess it won't matter anyways soon." Her spine started to grow, making horrible cracking noises as it did. Several extra arms with pointed ends instead of hands jutted from her stomach. The boy, him, in the corner whimpered. But his mom, the creature, turned to face the current Bellamy instead.

She stared him right in the eye and hissed- "I'm coming for you." Before her jaw opened up wider than humanly possible and she launched herself at him.

Bellamy gasped awake. He was shaking, clutching his blanket. But it was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream. Once he'd stopped shivering, he looked down at the floor where Octavia had been and found her bed empty. Bellamy glanced around self consciously, but nobody was there. Nobody had seen his mini panic attack.

Thank god, his self esteem didn't need to be more wounded than it already was.

As his breathing returned to regular, Bellamy started to wonder where everyone was. He lifted the blanket off his feet and eyed them, but they seemed perfectly fit for walking. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and gingerly stood. His vision blurred for a second, but then it cleared and he was fine.

Bellamy lifted up his foot and took a step. He squeezed his eyes shut, his head injury really didn't like it when he moved. But he gritted his teeth and kept walking forwards in awkward, too small steps.

Once he finally got to the door of the dropship, he pushed aside the curtain. Bellamy had to squint his eyes because he wasn't used to the sunlight. It was around evening, the sky had just started to darken. Work was going on like normal. He set his jaw in determination. If everyone else was going to work, so was he. He wouldn't let some head injury stop him, and certainly not some petty nightmare.

Even though it hurt like hell, he lengthened his stride and set out to work.


Bellamy wasn't particularly proud of the way he couldn't raise his voice, so instead of instructing people, he decided that hunting was a better idea. He grabbed a gun and slung the strap over his shoulders before heading out to find Clarke.

He didn't want her to send him back to bed, but he needed to know the situation with Murphy. He found Clarke doing what he usually did- yelling at people.


"You busy Princess?" Bellamy whispered in Clarke's ear, making her jump.

"Hey! I thought I said to stay in bed!" Clarke scolded, grabbing his arm to haul him back to bed.

Bellamy sighed and planted his feet firmly on the ground. "Tell me what happened to Murphy."

Clarke's glare was murderous. "Get back in bed. Then I'll tell you." She commanded, putting her hands on her hips in a very Clarke-like fashion.


"Bellamy. Get back in bed."

Bellamy jerked out of her grip and started for the woods, Clarke screaming threats behind him.


"... So he's still out there?"

Clarke shrugged. "As far and I know. We looked all over and couldn't find a body."

Bellamy ran a hand through his hair, momentarily distracted from the pain in his head. "How far did you look?"

"As far as we could in an hour. And stop trying to distract me! We need to go back to camp before you do even more damage to your head!"

He snorted. "I'm not a child. I know my limits."

Clarke muttered something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like: "You are a child," before she froze.

Bellamy froze too, looking to the point where she was staring. A rabbit hopped into view. He released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and said, quietly, as to not scare off the rabbit, "Jesus. I thought you'd seen a Grounder...!"

Clarke looked up at him, then started to giggle. The bunny, spooked, darted off. "What?" Bellamy demanded. Clarke kept laughing, clutching her sides until she collapsed.

She looked ridiculous, but her laughter was infectious and soon they were both on the ground. The laughter slowly quieted. Clarke reached over and took Bellamy's hand. She sucked in a breath. "I never thought I'd miss the Ark,"

She turned on her side to face Bellamy. "And yet, here I am. I'm still trying to figure out why, but I think it might be because of all the memories. Of... my dad. And... Wells. Of happier times, before my dad got floated and everything went wrong. I miss the home that I grew up in, with all the little trinkets. I miss hanging out with my family, and... I'm sorry, this is stupid."

"I don't think it's stupid," Bellamy whispered. "I kinda miss it too. I miss my mom. And Octavia, when she was so young and carefree."

Clarke nodded and they sat in comfortable silence as the sky grew darker and darker. Neither wanted to suggest heading back, so neither did.

And they fell asleep to the view of stars.


Bellamy had to stop falling asleep in the woods. Seriously. It was a bad habit. He woke up with his arms wrapped around Clarke (when had that happened?) in the middle of the night. He hadn't had any dreams, or nightmares, which was good. Bellamy was immediately on high alert, looking around to try and see what had woken him up.

When he didn't spot anything out of the ordinary, he shook Clarke awake. She wasn't a bit flustered when she woke up, even though she should've been because it looked weird that she had woken up in his arms when he'd been the first to wake up.

Luckily, she didn't bring it up so neither did he.

"I guess we should walk back." Clarke whispered, and Bellamy could tell she was tired. He stood and offered her a hand, which she took and didn't let go of.

They started the journey down the rocky terrain, but it was dark and Bellamy's head injury was messing with his depth perception, so he kept tripping. Clarke always caught him. They made it back to the camp unscathed, and it was dark and Bellamy's head was pounding so hard and they were both so tired that when they reached Bellamy's tent, they silently agreed that who the hell cared.

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