Chapter 49

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Chapter 49. Childhood criteria.

I'm currently nursing a headache

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I'm currently nursing a headache. 

Wait, I'm lying. 

I'm nursing a hangover. 

Last night I didn't take into account that for Noelle, a girls night isn't complete if there is no wine around. But she can't drink, so I downed two bottles of wine by myself. And now, I believe I'm still drunk. 

Sweet balls, indeed.

"Sib, Harry is almost here! Come on!" 

"I'm druuunk!" I only manage to moan into the pillow. 

I hear Noelle shouting from downstairs and the only thing I can physically do is roll over and hide under the comfort of the cotton sheets. I swear to everything that is true that I'm not drinking again. 

Or at least by myself.  

The bedroom door opens with a bang and seconds later, I can feel the heat of the sunlight passing through the sheets. I groan...loudly in discomfort causing Noelle to laugh, of course. 

Take joy in my misery as the good best friend that you are, Noelle. Enjoy it while it lasts. 

Noelle sighs, "Sib, come on. My dad is tagging along and if he doesn't see you ready in fifteen minutes he's coming in to brag about how your life is going down the drain ever since they fired you."

That makes my body react. I spring from the bed and glare at Noelle. "That's funny. My life will be going down the drain if you keep getting me drunk. I can picture myself at AA meetings already."

"Such weak character." She tsks, feigning disappointment.

She ignores the glare on my face and proceeds to pull at my legs, effectively pulling me all the way down to the floor. I land with a big oomf! butt first onto the cold hard floor. 

Noelle standing above me, puts her hands on her hips and smiles innocently. "What were you expecting? This baby ain't getting alcohol until she or he is 21."

I snort, "Let's be realistic here. Either Niall or Elon is going to introduce your baby to alcohol before they teach it to drive. But don't worry I'll be there."

She shrugs looking around the room nonchalantly, " As long as it learns everything bad with the people I love and not with strangers, I'll call it good parenting." She nods to herself almost patting herself in the back.

I laugh and nod in agreement. "Just no hardcore drugs," I point out, a grin appearing on my lips.

She gasps, "Siobhan! no drugs at all!"

"What about the once in a while recreational green?"I get ready to sprint out of the room the moment those words came out of my mouth. 

"Siobahn Bahr!"

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