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3rd POV

Nozel looked down at his son in astonishment.


"But nothing." You grabbed Noah's hand and dragged him out of there.

However, you didn't get far.

Nozel placed a mercury barrier around the three of yous.

"(y/n)! You ran from me once! I won't allow it again!"

"Why would you run from Daddy?" Noah asked you with wide eyes.

Nozel was about to speak when you glared at him.

"This man, this person, is not the best person in the world, Noah."

"How so?"

You felt your lip tremble as your husband came closer and closer.

Your grip on Noah's hand tightened.

"What have you been telling our son?" Nozel whispered.

Had he not been horrible, you would feel the sorrow he felt. It was heard in his voice.

"Let's give them some space," Nebra moved everyone outside.

Leopold and Solid gave you worried glances but listened to Nebra.

"Noah, go with your aunt."

Noah was about to say something when you gave him the I'm-not-kidding look.

Nozel allowed him to leave the barrier and he ran up to his aunt, holding her hand.

The door closed and you two were left in the empty mansion- albeit the servents.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" Nozel tried to touch you, but you flinched as soon as his hand was close to your body.

"I don't have to tell you."

Nozel frowned. "For fuck's sake, (y/n)! You were pregnant! With my child! Surely I have the right-"

"You have the right to shut the fuck up! You are the worst human being ever!" You spat. "If I had magic or anything, I sure as hell would've put up more of a fight!"

Nozel took a deep breath. He still loved you, but as aforementioned, he was horrible at showing it.

The reason why he was so controlling was that he didn't want to lose you.


"Shut the fuck up!" (y/n) was furious, but her eyes betrayed her. They were fearful of the man in front of her. "I didn't ever want to step foot in this kingdom ever again! It was only because of dear Leon!"

Nozel was about to say something sharp when he realized that if he snapped at you in the way he did before, you'd seriously never let him near his son at all and flee once more.

If he played his cards right, he'd get you back.

After all, after all of these years apart, he missed you.

"(y/n), I'm sorry."

You looked at him with shock and your guard dropped slightly.

He's never apologized to you before. 

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, damn it!" Nozel held his chin and hid his handsome face. "I fucking regret everything I said and did-"

"But that doesn't change the fact that you still did it," You snapped. "I demand that you let me go!"

"Please!" Nozel got onto his knees and begged you. "Please, let me redeem myself! I know I don't deserve you, but-"

You narrowed your eyes. "Then just let me go."

"(y/n), I can't do that. I lost you once and I don't want to lose you again."

He took a deep breath. "What would it take for you to stay with me? I know from Nebra that the sorry excuse for a house you've lived in for the past few years isn't nearly big enough to raise two people. Please, let me do my job as a father and take care of you both."

You sighed. It would be wrong to deny his rights as a father, but you also didn't want Noah around his father.


"Huh?" Nozel was surprised he got a 'fine' out of you that fast. "Thank you, (y/n). I promise. I will be the best father ever."

You said in return, "If you do anything to me or Noah, you will never see either of us again. Is that clear?"

Nozel let the barrier down. "Thank you." He moved closer to hug you, but you glared at him.

"I have terms for you to agree to in order for me to finally trust you with Noah."

"The first being you won't touch either of us. If Noah wants your affection, he must initiate it."

"What if you want my affection?" Nozel joked.

You glared. "I don't want your affection."

"Right. Wrong time to joke around." Nozel sweatdropped.

"The second term is that if I ever feel threatened, you will leave me alone unless I say otherwise. It goes without saying that you will not restrict me from talking to anyone. The third term is that if, by six months, you have gained my trust, we will become a family again. But if you break any of the terms..." You motioned to your wedding ring which was still on your finger.

It shocked Nozel since he thought you had gotten rid of it.

"I understand the terms."


It was agreed that you and Noah would stay in House Silva.

Noah's room was close to yours.

Despite many protests, you were put in Nozel's room since there were no other rooms available.

"Don't touch me," You warned Nozel as he slid into bed.

His heart wrenched.

You both soon settled down. Backs to each other.

He turned around and sighed. 

You were so close. Literally right there.

He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he really missed you.

It was a huge shock to the household when they saw you, especially the maid who sounded the alarm.

Despite the warnings, Nozel checked to see if you were fast asleep, which you were. He gently kissed you and turned back around.

It would be too risky to wrap his arms around you as he usually did.

"I promise you, (y/n). I'll fix this one-sided love. You'll come to love me fully." Nozel sighed and snuggled underneath the sheets.

Though you were still hostile, having you next to him brought comfort to the mercury mage.

[One-Sided] Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now