9 [Finale]

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Warning: some NSFW

Reader POV (one year later)

I woke up in Nozel's arms.

His shirt was off and I looked down to see his toned abs.

I slowly started to get out of bed, but before I could, two arms snaked around my waist.

"You didn't say good morning to me," Nozel mumbled in my ear as his head rested on my shoulder.

He slowly pushed my bra strap down and kissed my bare shoulder. "I'm still horny as hell,"

"How...nice?" My face went red as I thought about the things we did last night when Noah was sleeping over at Mereleona's.

Nozel's siblings chose to sleep at the base. Leaving us alone (aside from the servants).

He didn't show any mercy last night and I could tell through every movement we made, it was ethereal.

The silver-haired male pushed me back onto the bed.

Our lips connected once more and he smiled into the kiss as he slowly took off our garments.

"Let's make another baby," he said as he lifted my legs and swung them over my shoulders.

I sighed. "We tried four times last night-"

He glared and I laughed and flicked his forehead. "Whatever. You're doing the hard part."

"Oh?" He slowly slid in and I moaned with pleasure. "From what I remember, the act of sex is supposed to be enjoyed between two parties."

"Oh, shut up and take me,"

"As you wish."

The rest of the morning was spent trying to get me pregnant.


"Mom!" Noah ran into my arms.

Nozel and I smiled at each other. "Noah, there's a cake for us to share. Want to cut the first piece?"


His family watched with fascination as Noah- with the help of his father - cut the cake.

Inside, the cake had pink insides.

"You're going to have a little sister!" Nozel smiled at his son.

"What!?" Noah's jaw dropped. "Mom! Did you and Dad do the nasty when I was gone!?"

I glared at Mereleona. "Did you tell him about the birds and the bees?"

She shook her head. "No, I didn't. I just told him that you two were doing some dirty work to get him a sibling."

Leopold sweatdropped. "Well, then."

"That explains why your stomach got bigger," Solid said with a smirk. "Congratulations."

"I'm going to be a brother! I'm going to be a brother!" Noah was jumping around with excitement.

The months passed and as each did, my stomach got bigger and bigger.

Noah and his father both liked to place their hands on me and rest their heads my stomach.

Right now, I was in Nozel's arms and Noah fell asleep on my baby bump.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

I tilted my head and kissed him back. "I love you too."

He slowly got up after me and picked up Noah. We tucked him into his bed upstairs and left the room after kissing his forehead.

"Do...do you think I fixed us?" Nozel asked with a worried face as we settled into bed together.

I flicked his forehead. "Stupid braid-face. If you didn't, would I be with you right now? Would we be having another kid? No."

"I suppose so." He kissed my lips. "I'm just glad that we did it right this time. I'm never letting you go, (y/n)."


My daughter, Ace, looked like Nozel.

She inherited his mercury magic and like her brother, had a four-leaf grimoire.

A blast of metal was shot towards her brother Noah and the 25-year-old easily deflected it.

His four-leaf grimoire glowed. 

"Really, Ace? You think that attack is going to stop me?" Noah grinned at his 20-year-old sister. "I suggest you try again if you want to someday surpass me!"

"You're so mean!!" Our youngest, Miya, pouted. She was a perfect mix of Nozel and I. She had my hair and facial features while having his eyes. 

The two older siblings stuck their tongues at her. "Haha! We have magic and you don't!"

She grinned and her five-leaf grimoire opened. Anti-magic was becoming very prominent.

"But I have the strongest magic," she grinned. "I've got an anti-magic grimoire."

I watched our 15-year-old daughter as she easily deflected both of her sibling's attacks.

Noah was now the captain of the Silver Eagles as Nozel became the wizard king.

Ace was in the same squad as her brother, but as for Miya? Being the only other anti-magic user known to exist, she went to her Uncle Asta's squad: the Black Bulls.

Noelle and Asta had welcomed a daughter named Lillian into the world.

The proud father could often be seen running around with his five-year-old daughter as the girl aimed water-based spells at her father.

As for Nozel and I? We grew closer over the years.

Right now, we were watching from the gazebo in the garden as our children sparred together using their powerful magic.

I spent most of my days visiting the magic knight squads with Nozel during his breaks and just overall spending time in each other's loving embrace.

Indeed, this One-Sided love turned around and we loved each other deeply.

The End.


I planned for this to have five chapters, but oh well :)

I hope you enjoyed this!

[One-Sided] Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now