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Warning: You might cry, you might not.

3rd POV


All four of the Silva Siblings stood up.

"Remember, treat her like a queen," Noelle and Nebra reminded their brother.

Solid patted Nozel's back and the four of them made their way out of the office.

Noelle noticed scraps of paper on the ground outside her brother's office. She picked up the scraps of tattered up paper. She gasped once she realized what it was.

"Oh no..."

Noelle quickly ran downstairs to see Noah about to confront his mother.


Noah looked briefly at his aunt and had a heartbroken stare.

He hugged his mother tightly, which she was confused at his trembling state.

"Noah? Darling, what's wrong?"

Noah looked at his mother with tearing purple eyes. "Is it true?"

"What's true?"

"Did Father really hurt you? To the point where you hardly spoke and flinched every time he was near you?"

(y/n) looked at her son with glassy (e/c) eyes.


Noah was at loss for words.

"Noah..." Nozel and his siblings had just entered the room.

The servants quietly walked out of the room as quickly as they could.

This was a private family matter.

Nozel stepped closer to his son and wife, but he didn't get very far.

"Stay away!" Noah spat to his father, a blast of mercury hitting him.

It surprised everyone in the room that a five-year-old (well, he was almost five) could do that.

The blast of mercury sent Nozel to the floor, in shock.

"Nozel! Nebra and Solid helped their brother up.

Reader POV

"Don't come near us!" Noah was trembling.

I did the only thing that seemed logical. I turned Noah around and hugged him tightly.

"It's time to stop, Noah. There's no point in hurting your father."

What Noah said next struck deep into Nozel's aching heart.

"That man might be my father biologically, but he will never be my father!"

My eyes widened. "Noah."

"I hate him, Mommy! How can you agree to stay with him?!" Noah cried into my chest.

I leaned down so the little boy could cry into my neck. It made him somewhat calm when he did so.

Noelle cautiously walked up to us. "Noah, your father is working every day to redeem himself for his sins that he's caused your mother,"

"That's right," Nebra and Solid said.

Noah cried harder into me as I ran fingers through his soft and silvery hair, just like his father's.

Dinner was long forgotten.

Nozel hesitantly came up to us and circled his arms around the both of us. "Noah, I never meant to hurt your mother. When a man loves a woman, he can be blinded greatly by her. He can be overly protective and not notice that he has driven her away from him."

"B-But why did you hit Mommy?"

"I was young and foolish," Nozel said gently to his son. "My emotions were absolutely insane, not that it was an excuse for treating your mother the way that I did. As your Aunt Noelle said, I am working to fix the bridge between this one-sided love."

I felt my heart lurch.

Deep inside, I knew I still loved him, despite everything that happened.

Noah then moved and pushed both of us off him. "I...I need some time alone."

He exited the dining room.

Nozel tried to go after him, but I grabbed his hand and shook my head sadly.

Rain poured down and hit the windows as the five of us adults ate dinner quietly.

Nozel looked absolutely broken.

The three siblings were also sad, as was I.

Nozel used his healing magic to heal himself from the powerful blast of mercury that his son hit him with.

After dinner, I heated up some food that was from dinner and brought it upstairs for Noah.

I opened the door and saw him sitting on the bed, looking outside at the stormy night sky.

His room was dark.

I could see his outline slightly.

I sat next to him after putting the tray of food down on a table nearby. I looked at him with sorrow.

His eyes were teary and a smile attached itself to his face as a single tear streamed down his cheek.

"I was so happy that we were a family again," Noah whispered. "But...Mommy. How can you stand to share a bed with him?"

"Noah, people change. I'm sure your father is doing his absolute best, as Aunt Noelle and he said, to make amends."

Noah sighed and looked at me with fierce purple eyes. "Do you love him?"


"Answer the question, Mom."

That was the first time he called me that instead of 'Mommy'.

I could tell he was serious.

"I do. I never stopped loving him, Noah."

"But why?"

"I can't explain it, Noah. It's just something you know."

Noah wiped his eyes and hugged me tightly. 

"Mom, thank you for being here for me." Then he frowned. "But...all those years we spent in the Heart Kingdom. Did you ever look at me and think of Nozel?"


"I'm a curse, aren't I? I look just like the man you escaped."

I held him tighter. "You foolish son of mine. You aren't a curse. You never were. You are the best thing that has happened to me, do you hear me?"

Noah's cries disappeared and soon, he was asleep.

He had disregarded the food and fell asleep in my arms.

I changed him into comfortable clothing, taking note of how many outfits his aunts and uncle had bought him.

It was clear the three loved their nephew.

I closed his door after tucking him in and kissing his forehead.

Nozel was out in the hallway.


"If you are wondering, he is fine now."

Nozel nodded. "I'm sorry for breaking the agreements, (y/n). I know I shouldn't have hugged you, but-"

I hugged him tightly. "I'm glad you did, Nozel."

He lifted my chin gently and closed the gap.

"All these years that went by, I thought I'd never see you again," he whispered in my ear. 

I closed my eyes. "I'm glad you are redeeming yourself, Nozel. But...I've never stopped loving you. True, you were an ass, but that doesn't change how I still feel about you."

The two of us didn't know, but the three other Silva Sibling were on the bottom of the spiral staircase and they heard everything that was said between us.

Hope bloomed in their hearts.

Maybe Nozel would succeed in getting his family back together.

[One-Sided] Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now