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Reader POV

People who knew me as the commoner wife of Royalty Nozel Silva looked at me with shock.

It has been five years since they last saw me.

"Well, well, well." Yami Sukehiro had a blank face as Nozel tried to get me away from the captains who were outside of a shop. "If it isn't Silent Silva."

I glared at the nickname. "Silent Silva is no more."

The three captains, Charlotte Roselei, Yami, and Rill looked at me with surprise.

"(y/n)! You are speaking more?" Charlotte asked gently. She's only heard my voice about three times.

"Yes," I said with a frown.

"It's nice to see you again," Rill went to hug me, but Nozel stopped him.

"She doesn't want affection," he said.

I glared at Nozel. "I don't want affection from you."

Rill sensed the tension between us two. "Did something happen?"

I shook my head in annoyance. "Yes, you fool. Otherwise, I wouldn't have left."

"Not only did she leave, but she was carrying my son who I just found about last night at Fuegeleon's funeral." The silver-haired royal frowned. "Anyways, what are you all doing here without coats? It's raining and I don't plan on having my comrades sick."

"Sick is for the weak," Yami grumbled.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Shut it, Yami. You got sick not that long ago."

"Hey, (y/n)?" Rill tilted his head. "Why is it that you left?"

Silence overtook everyone as they awaited my answer.

"I have my reasons," I shrugged. "Now, someone tell me. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, we were going to drop by this chocolate shop," Rill said. "I wanted help getting something for Charmy since she's a huge foodie."

I hugged the albino with a huge smile. "Aw, Rill! Do you loooove her?"


Yami grabbed Rill's head. "Are you fucking with me right now, Rill? I caught you sneaking around my base with my chef."

Nozel watched with frustration as I interacted with the other captains.

He wanted the day to just you two, but apparently, his plans were ruined.

"Ooh, look at those chocolates!" Rill pressed his hands against the glass. "Looks so tasty!"


"Well, see you around!" Rill waved to Nozel and I as the three captains went off on their own.


Nozel started walking in the direction of clothes stores.

I followed him and noticed he was frowning. "What's wrong, Nozel?"


"You're lying to me."

"Fine, I am. I just don't like how you smile at them and not me."

I narrowed my eyes and stopped. "Well, they didn't hurt me."

Nozel went silent, his heart lurching in pain. 

"I'm not in the mood to shop anymore," I said. "Let's just go back to House Silva."

Silently, both of us went home. 

"What? You guys are back so soon," Noelle looked up from coloring with Noah on the table of the living room.

I thanked the maid who took Nozel's coat that he lent me. "Well, I got some chocolates for everyone. Noah, if you want, you can have a piece right now."

3rd POV

Nozel walked upstairs slowly and ignored Nebra and Solid's calls. He went into his office and shut the door.

He really regretted how he treated his wife.

Nozel ran to the wall and headbutted it multiple times and then in despair, he slunk to the floor and buried his head in his knees.

The door slowly opened to reveal Noelle, Solid, and Nebra.


The three looked at their older brother.

"What happened out there?" Nebra asked.

Nozel didn't look up. "I screwed up."

"Tell us how," Solid asked his brother. 

All three of them only saw their brother cry three times in all thirty-four of his life. Once when their mother died, the other when you had left him, and when his rival had died.

It hurt them to see him do so.


Nozel looked up and looked absolutely heartbroken. "I tried to be better for her, I really did. But she..."

Noelle frowned. "What did she say? Most importantly, what did you do?"

So Nozel told the trio everything.

"I love her so much, damn it! But I don't deserve her."

"Then show her you deserve her," Nebra said gently to her brother. As the 2nd eldest, she sat next to her brother and gave him a side hug. "You idiot. You know how she is. You need to be kind to her."

"It will take a while, yes, but it will be worth it in the end," Solid voiced his opinion.

Noelle frowned. "Um, I hate to be the one to ask, but what happened between you two five years ago? I didn't know that much since...well, I wasn't always around you four."

Solid and Nebra exchanged glances. 

"I'll tell you, but only once," Nozel said. "Do not interrupt me."

And so, Nozel began his long story of what had happened between him and his wife.

Not a single detail was left out.

No one knew, but (y/n) had started making dinner as her pastime with the servants, leaving Noah to go anywhere in House Silva's part of the Clover Castle.

Noah was standing outside the door that lead to his father's office.

He had originally planned to surprise his father with a drawing of the entire Silva family.

He heard everything that was said.

His hands balled into fists and the drawing crumpled. Noah un-crumpled it and tore it to pieces, leaving the tattered up pieces on the ground as he ran downstairs to where his mother was now setting the table with the servants.

[One-Sided] Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now