Six: Revealed Secrets (Pt. 2)

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"Can I see what you actually look like, now?"
Zim's pupils dilated, darting from your face to Gir then back.
She'll think I look weird. She won't like the big magenta eyes and the antennae.
"C'mon Zim!" He heard you say, his eyes shutting immediately.
She's going to leave me alone. It's going to be just me and Gir again.
"Show her, my lord!"
She's the only one who accepts me. Not even the Tallest think I'm good enough.
A sigh made him snap out of his thoughts.
"It's okay, Zim." A hand was placed on his shoulder and he opened his eyes, seeing you stare at him with pure concern in your eyes, "You don't have to show me if you're uncomfortable."
The small smile on your face made him sigh as well, "No, human, I'll show you."
If she screams and runs, I have to shut her up.. Doesn't matter how much I like this human. She can't tell anyone about me.
His hands slowly went up and snatched the wig off his head, his antennae sticking up immediately.
A small shiver went through Zim as his antennae straightened, no longer cramped under the horrible wig.
His gloved hands then went to his eyes and slowly removed the contacts, revealing one eye before removing the other.
Two wide magenta orbs stared up at you, sparkling in the dim light of the lab.
Zim looked up at you, uncertainty on his face as you simply stared at him.
He was almost sure that you were judging his looks and would immediately try to leave him.
"You look adorable, Zim."
I knew it! Humans aren't trustworthy, of course she thinks I'm hideous-.. wait what!?
"Zim is not adorable!" He shrieked, a dark green hue covering his face as he glared at you.
A giggle left your lips as he looked anywhere but you, the dark shade of green on his face expanding.
"Fine, handsome, then," you say, his face turning darker at your words as you stepped closer and slowly lifted up your hand, "Um.. can I?"
His antennae intrigued you, how soft they looked to you, and the urge to just run your hand over them overwhelmed you.
"Um.. okay." He slowly stepped closer, watching as your hands gently wrapped around them, a very noticeable shiver going through him.
Sensitive, huh?
Gently rubbing your thumb along the tip of both, you noticed how right you were about the texture.
It was simply soft and warm and it left you smiling at how nice they felt.
Before your eyes looked down at Zim.
Zim was leaning closer to you, his eyes closed and mouth slightly opened with what you realized was drool dribbling out of the corner of his mouth.
A strange sound was leaving his mouth, something like a combination of a purr and a whistle, and his face was relaxed.
Why is he so cute?
Then everything went down to shit.
A phone started ringing, and both you and Zim paused.
Wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth and slowly letting his face turn back to its normal green shade, Zim looked down at your pocket.
Your phone buzzing loudly with the song 'On My Own', your face paling and your eyes widening as you realized who it is.
Why now!? He never calls me. And if he is.. then he'll hurt me worse than yesterday when I get home! Your thoughts kept dragging on as you pulled out your phone.
Step Father was what stared up at you as the phone rang, the phone pausing for a second before he called again.
Your bruises started to throb, a painful reminder of what happened the previous night.
Your vision flashed, the feeling of his arms grabbing your wrists and forcing them against the bed.
Where you had bruises on your wrists.
"Let me show you just how much I love you, Sweetie."
The painful feeling of humiliation from all his touches.
The feeling of it just being wrong.
Everything was going so slow now. Your thumb slowly pressing accept as you brought the phone up to your ear, your eyes staring into Zim's as you felt them water.
"Where the fuck are you?!"
His voice was quiet and scary, your heart beat speeding up as he spoke.
"Ou.. Out. At a f-f..friend's house." You stammer, just as Zim narrowed his eyes at your nervous expression.
"Are they a girl?"
"N.. No."
'Were you with a girl?' He hissed at you as you stepped into the house. Your mother was at work, probably trying to work an extra hour for more cash.
You had thought that Rob was at work, too, but you were wrong.
'No..' You responded, looking at the floor.
'Was it that boy?'
The brief image of your best friend, Lou, flashed in your mind and you couldn't help but begin shaking.
He was pissed now.
You didn't want another beating, so you decided to leave.
'Come here,' Slowly, you began backing back out the door, making him get even more pissed, 'I said come here!'
Before you could sprint, his leg collided with your knee and you fell to the floor, crying out in pain.
'I'll make you wish you were dead, bitch.'
"I want you back home. Now."
Your own eyes narrow as he practically commands you to go home.
Why am I listening? Zim's right there! And there's no doubt he could hear everything that this monster is saying.
Slowly, you felt yourself growing angry.
"No." You hissed back.
"What did you just say to me, you little slut!?"
"I said no. You're not my dad."
"Yes I am-"
"No," you cut him off, "Not at all. And especially not when I tell mom how you raped her younger daughter and have been leaving bruises all over her!"
Now you were yelling, and before he could say anymore, you hung up.
"Human? I'm a bit confused."

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