Ch. 3- 12/03/2016-8:39 A.M

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Okay, yes this is ch. 3 and yes ch. 2 is not here. Why? Because it just disappeared. Since I don't have it backed up anywhere and don't feel like rewriting it (sorry) I'll just summarize what happened.  

You found out the the boy that followed Hoshi to school was Alphonse Elric and that the black haired girl is named Raven (she is also in the first book! Hint: read the ch. 10!) and that Raven is a medium and thought Al was a ghost. Then Hoshi revealed that Al is a book character and lastly Raven was thinking of a plan the ditch school to see her psychic grandmother! 

Now enjoy this, the last chapter before the epilogue! 


After the weirdest ditch ever*, we made our way to Raven's grandma's house. All along the way, she kept asking about Al's world and his life. I ignored them and trailed off into my mind. I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder.  

"Hoshi, you haven't forgotten me, have you?" a soft voice spoke. Opening my eyes, I looked behind and thought I saw a figure standing, faintly, in the snow. The figure soon blew away in the wind.  

"Hoshi?" Raven said. I looked back to see Al and Raven staring at me. I sighed, waved it off, and continued walking.

"Gram? You home?" Raven called as she pounded on the door. The house was small, only one floor, and farther than the other houses and buildings.  

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" an older voice spoke from inside the house. The door clicked open to revel an elderly woman who was just a few inches taller than me. She had dark green eyes, just like Raven, and a puff of white hair on top of her head. Her wrinkled eyes moved from Al to Raven and lastly to me. Quickly, she shot back to Raven and shouted, "You're suppose to be in school, Francis!"  

"Gram, don't call me that!" 

"Well, I'm not going to call you a bird!" the two started to bicker. Getting really annoyed, I screamed, "HEY!" That made the two shut up.  

"Could we please come in?" Alphonse said kindly.  

"Why look at that! Francis got herself a boyfriend and a respectable one too!" the woman reached up to pat Al on his left cheek but her hand passed through when she tried.  

"That's why you're here, isn't it?" she whispered. Raven nodded and the woman aloud us to enter her home.

"Call me Ánn, Gram makes me feel old" the woman, Ánn, said as she showed us to the parlor. I sat on a floral love seat and Alphonse sat next to me. Raven, or Francis, sat on an identical couch across from us and Ánn sat in a recliner.  

"Explain" the elderly woman said firmly. But before any of us could open our mouths, the sleeve on her right arm began to move on it own.  

"Billy, I'll play with later! Can't you see I have guests?" The was a moment of silence before Ánn muttered something and faint footsteps echoed throughout the room.  

"Sorry for the interruption," she said with a smile, "Now, explain" I was the first to speak.  

"Before you jump to conclusions, like Raven did, Al is not a ghost." 

"Well, I could've guess that when I first some him" Ánn interrupted.  

"He's a book character" at my words, all the color left her face.  

"Gram?" Raven whispered to her grandmother.  

"I thought they were only legends..." She muttered.  

"What are legends?" Alphonse asked. She didn't answer his question, she just got up from her chair and left the room. Minutes later, she returned with thick old book. I didn't get the chance to read the title because she opened and began to flip through the pages. She stopped on a page with four people on it. The first one, a girl, was the shortest. She had pixie cut black hair with bright blue eyes. The next was another girl with long brown hair and emerald green eyes. The third was a boy and the only one. He had short sandy blond hair and light brown eyes. The last girl had long bright red hair and bright hazel eyes. The first three were familiar but the last just a picture.  

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