1 - Rumor At The Hot Spring

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"Well, team. I think this village would be an ideal spot for us to take a break," says Jiraiya as he catches a glimpse of the approaching village. "I also heard that they have hot spring here too so perhaps we can treat ourselves to a little R&R."

"A break? We can be back to the hidden leaf by sun down as long as we stay on path," says Kakashi.

Jiraiya shakes his head. "Now don't give me any of that. I have been around for much longer than you have and I know we will run the risk the needing to sleep outside. We are not like Tenzo. Neither one of have a Jitsu that will allow us to make a comfortable shelter. Unless," Jiraiya comes close to Kakashi putting his hand on his shoulder. "Unless you're out of money. You were in the hospital for sometime so you probably haven't seen much coin lately. Listen, I'm more than happy to treat the three of us. As a matter of fact, I know the hostess of the hot spring, uh, quite well, so I'm sure I can get us a little discount."

"That's not really what I meant."

"Hold you're ground, Kakashi," says Shikumaru. "I don't know that old man as well as you and even I know that he only wants to go the village to find a woman or two for research for his book," he says making air quotations. 

Kakashi sighs, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "Alright Jiraiya," he says after a moment. "If you insist than I suppose there is no harm in resting a little longer than--"

But Jiraiya has already rushed on ahead towards the upcoming village, leaving Kakashi and Shikumaru in the trail dust behind him.

Shikumaru gives his remaining senior comrade a look of scorn. "How the hell is that holding your ground?"

Kakashi shrugs. "What can I say? I love his books."

"I'm disappointed Sensei. Don't tell you me of all people read that crap?"

Kakashi laughs, rubbing the back of his head. Guilty.

"If Lady Tsunade finds out, you two can take the heat."

"Will do but she won't. Come on, kid, may as well enjoy it," says Kakashi before he takes a leap off the ground and soars on ahead.

"So," says Shikumaru as he watches Kakashi disappear, "this isn't the first time those two have been up to something like this by the sound of it." Then he rushes on to catch up with his squad.


Shikumaru walks into the inn lobby, exactly where he knew he would find his team. Jiraiya is speaking to the hostess, a pretty, blond girl probably not too much older than Shikumaru. He can't hear their conversation but Jiraiya is leaned over the counter looking up at the blushing, giggling hostess. Shikumaru rolls his eyes and stands next to Kakashi who is reading his book on the lobby couch.

"Working his charm, I see."

"I wouldn't expect anything else," says Kakashi not looking up from his book, his free arm resting casually along the back of the sofa.

Well, this is a luxurious hot spring. I can't say I'm disappointed, especially since the old man is taking care of the expense.

"Alright men," says Jiraiya clapping his hands to get his comrades attention. "Everything is arranged so lets get a bite to eat before we go for a soak. Then we will conclude our night with a little sake. Oh, excuse me, honey. I was just wondering where the communal hot springs are?"

"Sorry Jiraiya. Unfortunately We only have separate hot springs for men and women now. The women were beginning to feel unsafe and with the rumors here and, well, our boss put a stop to communal bathing," she says with a hand to her mouth, a blush appearing across her cheek as if she is reminiscing something. Shikumaru and Kakashi look at one another. They would probably rather not know what happened her and Jiraaya and a communal hot spring.

Shikumaru does a double take at Jiraiya. "Is Jiraiya Sensei going to be okay?"

Kakashi looks at the motionless Jiraiya who might burst into waterworks at any moment. "Oh yeah, that's normal. He'll snap out of it soon."

"I can't believe... I'm not going to get to see any bathing beauties," he squeaks.

"Come on, let's get him out of here before he makes a scene."


"What a great way to end a meal," says Shikumaru taking a seat into the hot spring.

Water splashes in the adjacent spring followed by the girls' giggles.

"I can't believe it," says Jiraiya. "I'm so close but so far away. I wonder if I could just take... one... little--"

"Oh no you don't," says Kakashi holding on to his hair. "It's men like you who are the reason men and women can hardly be in the same room together much less a communal bath. Leave the women alone."

"Actually, That's not the reason they put a stop to the communal bathing. Or rather, it isn't the whole reason," says another guest, his skin getting pinker by the second.

"What do you mean?" says Jiraiya losing his interest in the women in favor of what the man has to say.

Shikumaru rolls his eyes and leans against the edge of the spring and gazes up at the night sky, now sprinkled with stars. Kakashi resumes his book.

"Well," says the stranger, "the rumor is that there is a beautiful gypsy who wanders the lands. She has a naturally alluring aura and can make any man fall to her mercy at the drop of hat. I have spoken to some men who claimed to have seen her. They say it's an experience like no other. One man has even left his own family in pursuit of this woman."

"I see," says Jiraiya. "But what does that have to do with this hot spring?"

"Well, this woman has several villages that she is known to frequent the most, this one being one of them. When word got out, men from all over the lands would come here in hopes of finding her. Needless to say, the guests here started to complain--"

"You mean the women," interrupts Kakashi not looking up from his book.

"Ye-yes," he says clearing his throat, "the women started to complain and said they wouldn't come back so management had to put an end to communal bathing and expanded the separate springs. But..."

By now all the men are around the story teller. While Kakashi and Shikumaru haven't joined the others, the keep their ear on his story. "If you're lucky, you might be able to spot her coming out of the change room or going into the bar. I mean... that's why most of us are here, am I right?" he says with a hearty laugh, nudging one of the men next to him.

"Yeah," says Jiraiya, "so these men who have seen her. What is this experience like?"

The man comes close and whispers into Jiraiya's ear and all the others wait impatiently. 

"Uh, Master Jiraiya," says Shikumaru, "your nose is bleeding into the hot spring."

"Gentlemen," says Jiraiya whipping his nose in a towel. "We are only here for the night so we must try our best to find this woman! Er, for the sake of research."

Kakashi and Shikumaru look at one another.

"He can't be stopped, so why bother," says Kakashi.

"Well, I guess we know who Jiriaya's enabler is," grumbles Shikumaru before he dips his head under, making the most of the spring while we can.

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