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a note from the author

is it fair for someone who has known no hardship to speak of a land that has gone through so much?

no, is what I tell myself every time. still, my voice matters. my experiences matter.

I have grown in the states, in a city that is a melting pot of culture, and grown up with people from everyone. 

I have grown from school, grown from wanting to be everyone, everything, and knowing I have that opportunity.

so here. my unfiltered thoughts about being a girl of Indian heritage but American culture.

a grey area.

Table of Content

1. Home

in which our main character explores the concept of coming from one place but belonging in another

2. Family

in which she explores the norms and exceptions of growing up in an Indian family

3. Mixed

in which she meets a 1/2 Indian 1/2 white girl and learns what that can mean

4. School

in which we struggle with the idea of being enough and the expectation of being enough and what those mean relative to each other

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