chapter 26

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y/n P.O.V

I wake up because of the light coming from the windows. I look at myself and I see the baby bump is gone.

y/n: yaaaaaahhhh~~~

the nurses and the Bangtan members come inside in a rush. Everyone started asking questions altogether.

nurse 1: You're awake

Namjoon: thank namjesus you're awake

jin: y/n!!!

yoongi: whatever...

nurse 2: lemme check your blood pressure

hosoek: yay~~~youre awake!

Jimin: good morning...

nurse 3: how do you feel?

y/n: Where is my baby bump? what happened

bangtan: um...

nurse  1: you gave birth to the baby in your short coma..

I felt pressured and uncomfortable. my ears were ringing from the amount of talking they were doing. I calmed myself and took a breath. I removed all the bad thoughts from my mind and I couldn't hear everyone, anyone. the only thing my mind focused on was the cold, empty hand which was supposed to be held by Taehyung.

wait! where is Taehyung?!

y/n: ahhh~~~where is Taehyung!!

nurse 2:  your boyfriend is here.

the nurse pointed at the curtain beside my hospital bed. she pulled the curtains to reveal Taehyung laying unconscious. he looked pale and messy. the was the nurse who didn't like me was sitting in a chair beside him.

I got up and tried to walk but I almost hit the floor. the nurses and the members helped me get up and they took my hand and supported me as I walked to Taehyung.


Eun-Jun P.O.V 

I had to meet Taehyung. I think that his plan is working but I don't want to be apart of it. I was waiting for Jungkook at his house and he came drenched in blood. He told me he had beaten a few people on his way home. I know that I can't have him in that way but I felt in that way that I needed to help him.

I just had to... and he let me...

I had taken care of him and he told me everything. He had found y/n but she didn't go back to him. I felt happy but sad at the same time. I had taken care of someone I lived who bawled his eyes over his ex...

I would love to be apart of Jungkook's life but I will not work for Taehyung anymore.

I woke up to see my head on Jungkooks shoulders. he was snoring loudly. I can't believe that I stayed over here. normally, Jungkook would wake me up after an hour of sleep. I looked at his face. the scar on his cheek. the mole under his lip. the hair on his forehead. he looked so ethereal. his face reminded me of the plan

I have to go find Taehyung...

I went home and got ready. I tried to phone Taehyung and it leads straight to voicemail

Eun-Jun: if he does not pick up this time. I will have to give up

???: Hello?

Eun-Jun: Mr. Kim?

???: oh. I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Kim has been admitted to XXX hospital.

Eun-Jun: I will be right there.

I rushed to the hospital. I don't know why but I just felt like going to meet him. I go to the receptionist and ask for the nurse to take me. I go inside to see y/n on the hospital bed. the nurse had guided me to the other side of the curtain to see Taehyung on the hospital bed unconscious. I sat on the chair and the nurse had told me about his critical condition.

nurse: I have to go and check up on other patients too.

???: yaaaaaahhh~~~~

its just y/n. ignore it...

sooner or later the curtain is pushed back and I see people supporting y/n and walking over to Taehyung. y/n sees my face and is shocked. I can see it on her face but yet she doesn't say anything...

she just stumbled and walked towards love.

her love...


A/n: I MIGHT kill tea. plz, don't be mad. Understand its just a story and that tea will never die.

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