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"Harry" Frankie speaks up after his speech, tears running down her face, "I don't know" She whispers shaking her head and Harry gulps, nodding slowly

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"Harry" Frankie speaks up after his speech, tears running down her face, "I don't know" She whispers shaking her head and Harry gulps, nodding slowly.

"'ve got dinner here for us, d'ya wanna sit down and talk bout it?" He asks nervously, pointing to a table he has set up on the side and she nods slowly. He holds his hand out for her to take and leads them both towards the candlelit dinner, overlooking the London skyline. "D'ya wanna talk about why you don't know?" He asks softly, hoping to not make her sad.

"Yea" She nods slowly, putting her knife and fork down before wiping her face and placing her napkin back on her lap. "I like you Harry, I like you a lot" Harry blushes and so does she, "I'm just really scared this'll end badly. We've both fallen for each other so quickly and we've got such a great connection, but something this great only ends badly"

"But it also couldn't end" He whispers hopefully and she smiles at him.

"You've got me stumped" She teases and he chuckles, "I just- I don't know" She sighs and flops back in her chair, exhausted from all her emotions, her eyes falling to her lap. He smiles at her softly before standing up and crouching down next to her.

"Hey" he whispers softly and she looks at him, "do you not think this is worth it?" He asks, heart in his throat as he waits a while for her answer.

"I don't know" She cries. "I wish I wasn't this messed up" She shakes her head sadly, "what if I say no?" She asks softly and his heart drops.

"If you say no, we can try be friends, which'll be hard but if it's what you want then we can do that. I do know that I want you in my life, something I'm very sure of" She smiles sadly at him.

"And what if I say yes?" She whispers and his heart leaps out of his chest, his smile widening.

"If you say yes, then Frankie love, you will be mine and I will be yours and I will not let you go. I will work so hard to keep you in my life, I will make sure you're always happy and when you're not, I will be there to try and make you happy. The last thing I want is for you to be upset, and if you think that this, us, will make you upset then I don't want you to do that to yourself" He says honestly and she smiles at his sincerity.

"Harry" She whispers after a while and he looks up at her, trying to read her face to see what her reply will be but he gets nothing. "I think, I think we should do it" She nods and he gasps.

"Seriously?" He asks and she nods with a giggle as he wipes her tears before kissing her. She holds his face as he leans up to her, their lips finally touching after being apart for so long. They pull away and they lock eyes before Harry kisses her again and again and again, making her giggle.

"I have to ask" Frankie pipes up as they lie next to each other in her bed, breathless.

"Mhm" Harry hums as she plays with his hair.

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