moving and sunflowers

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Frankie found her apartment right at the end of March while Harry was in New York

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Frankie found her apartment right at the end of March while Harry was in New York. She had been looking ever since Amelia moved out, the two bedroom apartment becoming too big for just herself. She had been looking for a while, nearly three months before she found the best out of the multiple she had been looking at. Harry had been to tour a few of the apartments with her and never loved any of them, insisting that she deserved only the best and she agreed. When she stumbled upon the one bedroom apartment just a few blocks away from her West Hampstead home, she knew almost immediately how perfect it was. She went the next afternoon to tour it and immediately fell in love before putting an offer down.

Harry had been in New York when she found it and the next night over the phone, as she gushed over the flat, Harry could tell she loved it. She insisted that the one floor spacious but cozy flat was just perfect for her, adding that it was closer to Harry than she had previously been which sold him on it very quickly. The photos she sent him just solidified how perfect it was for her and because of how excited she had been over the phone, Harry felt himself becoming excited as well. Harry had been in New York for a whole three weeks before returning to London mid- April, ready to help Frankie move into her new flat.

"I hate packing!" Frankie exclaims exhausted as Harry, Amelia and Noah help her pack her last few boxes before she gets her keys the next day.

"We're nearly done here" Harry says optimistically and the three of them all boo at him while he chuckles at their childishness.

"At least you've gotten rid of all the crap you've collected over the past few years" Amelia points out and all four turn to the four bin bags holding a good amount of Frankie's things.

"No!" She exclaims, "You forced me to get rid of it" she grumbles.

"Tell us why you need a hoodie that has both a coffee and a wine stain on it again?" Noah asks and she rolls her eyes.

"Sentimental value" She mumbles.

"What love?" Harry teases with his hand up to his ear as if he didn't hear her.

"Sentimental value!" She says louder and they all stare at her expecting another explanation. "I got the hoodie when one of my student's finally got an A" She says softer and they all roll their eyes.

"Not sentimental enough" Amelia exclaims.

"Who decided that?" Frankie counters.

"All of us, love" Harry chuckles and she frowns, folding her arms grumpily.

The next morning, after managing to pack up her apartment with the help of her friends, she and Harry head over to the flat building where the tenant is set to be waiting for them with her key. The tenant, a middle aged woman by the name of Steph, greets them at the bottom of the building, quickly giving Frankie some papers and things to do with her flat before handing her the keys and rushing off. Frankie then takes Harry up to the fourth floor of the building and to apartment 4D, which is now hers. The first thing he notices when Frankie opens the door is the brightness of the place. The white walls and light wooden floors bring out the sunlight that comes from the multiple windows that surround the living area.

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