love and understanding

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"Harry?" Frankie states softly, walking to the door in an outfit that makes Harry's heart stop

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"Harry?" Frankie states softly, walking to the door in an outfit that makes Harry's heart stop. She looks adorable, Harry thinks to himself.

"Hi" he says, blushing for some reason.

"What- uh, do you- um come in" she mumbles out with a blush and Harry smiles nodding softly. "Thanks Meels, I'll call you later?" She whispers to Amelia, Harry having heard her sending her friend home so the two can be together alone.

"Are you sure? If it gets bad, just slap him and call me" Amelia makes sure to speak loudly so Harry can hear her.

"Gee thanks Meels" Harry chuckles awkwardly.

Once Amelia's left and Frankie's let him into the apartment, they sit on the couch watching the other awkwardly.


"Are you-" they speak up at the same time and chuckle awkwardly. Harry lets Frankie go first.

"I'm sorry" she can't bring herself to look up at him.

"What are you sorry for?" Harry says with a frown.

"I just, I feel like I ran away as soon as I faced something I didn't like. I have to apologize for leaving without telling you. Don't think that I'm ungrateful for everything you've done for me this past month and I realize that it might have come off as ungrateful, but I'm not" she takes a breath. "I just- the way you, the way you spoke to me" she feels the tears surfacing. "I can't do this" she says just before she bursts into tears, her anxiety completely taking over her.

Now, Harry knew he had done something wrong. He just didn't know how to deal with how he had hurt her. He feels like breaking down himself. Watching her sob while hugging herself makes him feel sick- wishing he could just turn back the time and take everything he said back. He doesn't know what to do with himself.

"Frankie I- I'm sorry" he chokes out a sob. "I-I know I can't excuse my actions but I'm- I was sick and being stupid and selfish and rude and about every horrible adjective in the dictionary. I hate that- I hate that you're feeling like this and that I'm the reason for it" he shakes his head, sniffling as his emotions calm down a little bit. They sit in silence for a bit as Frankie finds the words to say while simultaneously calming herself down.

"Thank you for apologizing" she starts and then takes a breath. "But- I don't, I don't know how to get over this" she shrugs and his heart breaks. "You were so hateful towards me, spiteful and I got transported back to when I was with Sam and I- I can't put myself in that position again" she explains and he nods understandingly but sadly. "That's why- that's why I acted so rashly. I'm so scared" she admits.

He left her apartment shortly after. They decided to let each other cool off for a day or two, mostly so Frankie can see her therapist and think it through before making any stupid decisions. Harry leaves heartbroken. He doesn't know what to do with himself when he gets home that evening, opting to just bury himself in a new book, trying to transport himself into a new world for a while. He spends the next two days in the world of  his book, trying his absolute hardest to not think about his girlfriend who's on the other side of town, debating on whether or not she can move on from his stupidity.

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