Unexpected Cargo

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Star Trek Voyager: Episode 7b 'Unexpected Cargo'

Scene: Sick Bay - 1500 hours. Doctor and Kess are leaned over Ensign Harry Kim, running multiple diagnostics, rapidly exchanging equipment, muttering medical mumbo jumbo to each other. Harry is frantically looking back and forth waiting for them to speak to him

Doctor: The implications of that would be frightening.. If I did in fact experience something on the miniscule range of your human emotions.

[ Looking between a multi-scanner and Harry ]

Kess: What he means to say is that this is a rare opportunity for the doctor to expand his vast medical knowledge

[Kess and the Doctor exchange questionable looks while exchanging medical equipment ]

Harry: A rare opportunity?! What am I? Some kind of experiment to you?

D: Yes, well the fact that you are indeed a male, am I correct?

H: Yes, obviously...

D: And the fact that the evidence and medical results all seem to point to only one logical conclusion..

H: Get on with it..

[Harry getting worried by the second]

D: Ensign.. you are in fact... Pregnant.

[ Look of shock and horror spreads across Harry's face..]

K: Sick bay to Bridge (tapping com badge)

Captain: This is the Captain.

K: Captain, I think you out to come to sick bay immediately

Ca: What is it Kess?

K: I.. uh, think you'll want to see for yourself

Scene: Captain and Tuvok are in sick bay examining Harry, specifically the ultrasound that indeed shows an embryo

Ca: How could this have happened?!

Tu: The only logical conclusion was that it occurred during our last mission 1 week ago when Ensign Kim was gathering food supplies on the M class planet Grofta.

Ca: Yes, but why is he showing such distinct symptoms now?

H: Distinct my a*..

Ca: Ensign.. (scoldingly)

H: Captain, look at me! I'm huge! (looking down at his abdomen in shock)

D: Yes, well, according to what I do know of the Grofta species, their gestational cycles are extraordinarily different from the humanoid cycles. What would developmentally take months in a female human has rapidly taken place a matter of days, at quite a strange speed might I add.

H: Rapid.. No kidding.. Just this morning I felt a bit queasy.. And now here I am.. Bulbous.. My feet are swollen, I want to eat everything in sight and I feel like I might start crying.. (looks around emotionally)

Ca: How did we not know this before sending Harry on that away mission?

Tu: The fertility of the species did not seem relevant to the mission

Ca: Well, it's obviously relevant now, isn't it?

Tu: You are quite correct, Captain.

Ca: Harry, what do you remember of the mission.. Anything odd when you were leaving? Any strange interactions?

H: Not that I can think of... wait.. There was one thing..

Ca: Go on.. (imploringly)

H: Right as we were heading back to the shuttle, walking through the market, a woman grabbed my arm and pulled me into her shop, blabbering something about a long withheld custom of visitors to play a game of Trota for good luck and speedy travels.... I insisted that we didn't have the time to stop and I had to get going.. But she was persistent and had a pretty good grasp on my arm, I didn't want to cause a commotion due to the importance of the mission, so B'Elanna and I followed her in. She said it was a game that us humanoids referred to as 'Whack-a-Mole'.. I had never heard of it before.. But anyway, it was right in the center of her shop. Mind you I did scan the structure as soon as we stepped in, and nothing unusual showed up on my scanner..

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