Sometimes Deals Are Worth Breaking (L.L) p2

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Summary: A game of truth or dare brings you closer with Loki, both emotionally and physically.

I open my eyes only to find darkness.  I wait a couple seconds and am able to make out vague shapes.  I...I think I'm in the living room? Yeah, I'm in the living room.  I look down to see a blanket on my lap, and a pair of handcuffs on my wrist...though, no other hand on them.  Well, I have my integrity and I won't let Loki ruin it.  He has to be in his room, right? where else would he be.  I skulk my way out of the living room and into the hallway.  On the way, I glance at the clock, reading 00:43.  It's not too late...right?  I then manage to wind up in front of Loki's room.  I open the door, and...there's no one there.  Then, it has to be the Library, right?


I look down and realize that I'm wearing the same clothes I had worked out in today.  Right before I open the door, I feel a wave of doubt.  Someone had pulled my confidence away like a rug under my feet.  I paused, but ignored the feeling.  I open the door to find the lights on.  I think they're motion sensor, but I'm not sure.  I never hung out in the library much, I preferred book stores.  Tony finds it counteractive to him actually buying books, but number one: Loki's mainly the person he buys them for, and number two: I like book stores.  I felt intimidated by it's size, wondering if I'd ever find Loki in here.  I noticed that the shelves were conveniently separated by genre.  Did Loki do this, or one of Stark's assistants? It had to be Loki, only Avengers are actually let into the tower, or shield.  I crept closer, so that I could read the labels, trying to recall the genres that Loki likes. 
Non-fiction: No, he's too interesting for that...
Western: I think that's more of a mood for him
Fiction: Maybe?
I peek into the isle, finding no one.
Sci-Fi: No, that's 'beneath him'
Romance: Ooh, I wonder if Loki's read any? But, really, no. 
Indie: I smiled at the term, knowing he got it from me.
Film: Aw, that's so sweet.  That's why he was asking me about my film books all the time.
Art: Wait, what?

I look into the isle out of sheer curiosity, only to stumble upon Loki, back against the shelf, knees bent, pencil in hand, Loki.  He...he hasn't noticed me yet.  He's still drawing, not tearing his eyes off of the page.  It's as if he was in hyper-focus (A/N: Yo, whadd'up my AD(H)D folk?).  I crept towards him, my socks silently hitting the carpeted floors.  I took in my surroundings, finding guides, references, sketchbooks (some his, some mine), and works of Monet, Dali, Kahlo, and more.  Wait? How did he get his hands on my sketchbooks? Sly bastard.  I kept walking, my only goal at this point being: what the fuck was Loki drawing? I mean, I get drawing at night, but, at midnight, while you're supposed to be handcuffed to someone? How large a bout of inspiration had to hit him for this to happen, I do not know.  I kept moving, feeling like Loki must notice me by now, right?  I kept waiting for him to look up at me, and with a sour tone, say 'what do you want?' but that never happened. I don't want him to, but, he's a god...granted, I am too.  The closer I got, the more peculiar his drawing seemed to be.  Right now I know
It's a person
A female
She's pretty
And is wearing my sweater
Wait, what? No, that's a coincidence, right?  Loki must've just subconsciously drawn a similar sweater.  I mean, yeah, it's my favorite sweater, the one he gave to me for my 15th birthday, 

I finally got close enough to see the picture, and just as I did-shit.
"What, are you doing here?" said Loki with a panicked tone.  He shut his sketchbook quickly, throwing it off to the side...I think I scared him.  I tentatively sat down next to him, my legs crossed (pretzel style).  He didn't seem to reject it...I don't think.  I sighed, and put on my 'I am (Y/N), I hate everyone' face.  I glared at him, promptly before saying
"Just because you have no integrity, doesn't mean I don't."  He finally made eye contact, I then noticed the awake look in his eyes, slightly shocking me.  "Oh, what, Tony's stupid dare?" he chuckled and looked in front of himself.  "I was going to come back at around three."  I rolled my eyes, only to find his looking into mine.  "Do I have to spell it out for you, in-teg-ri-ty.
"(Y/N), frankly, I do not care" he said with a smile on his face.
"How about, we make a deal?" My eyes slightly widening at the end of my phrase.
With a bored tone, Loki said "What kind of deal?" My smile infinitely widened.
"Show me your book. Please." My curiosity bested me.
"Wh-No!" Loki looked shocked and offended that I would even suggest the notion that he share his art.  "This feels unfair."  Loki looked me directly in the eyes.  "How so?" His tone showed unexpected softness, and warmth.  "You have my sketchbooks In the library!"  I crossed my arms and bent up my legs, similar to how Loki sat.  He rolled his eyes, looked away with a sigh, then looked back at me in defeat.  "Fine."

He handed me the book reluctantly, but gently.  I examined it slowly, taking in all the detail my brain would allow me to.  I held a Vision mixed media notebook, size 8.5" x 11", and the cover weathered and torn.  I flipped through every page carefully.  I found drawings of plants, Asgard, landscapes, and then I stumbled upon what seemed to be a section of fellow Avengers.  I found portraits of:
Tony, his seemed to depict his pride.
Nat, her's seemed to depict her relentlessness. 
Thor, (wait, really?) he held an ear to ear smile on his face, sporting his armor. 
Strange, (not an avenger, but whatever) his cheekbones were defined as ever.  His eyes radiated a bright green.
Bucky, his metal arm, sadly, cut off.
Steve, he had that same commercial smile.

There were multiple pages filled with drawings of me, along with my bow.  I looked up to Loki, finding his head turned.  "Loki, these are beautiful...I-I didn't even know you drew."  He turned his head, looking in front of himself, his eyes not quite reaching mine.  "I've been alive for centuries, of course I draw."  I chuckled a bit at his statement.  "Yeah, I should have figured."  Silence filled the air for about a minute.  "I'm sorry i-" I cut him off quickly, turning my entire body to face him "No!" He looked a tad stunned.  "I-I really like them.  I find it flattering to be drawn, most of the people I draw are just because they have interesting features, are attractive, or ha-" now Loki cut me off.  I didn't even notice him moving, but he ended up directly in front of me.  Then he kissed me, just a peck.  He moved back barley an inch, then continued.  He took my hands in his, grabbing me softly.  His lips calmed all of my worries.  His mouth communicated a soft, tender, and loving message.  It was not at all what I expected.  At first glance, one could assume Loki is a playboy, fucks for fun, and makes-out with people,  and doesn't kiss them.  His lips left mine after what felt like a minute.  We stayed like that, not moving for a fairly long time.  Then it hit me.  I don't hate Loki, I...I love him.

His hands still gripped mine, holding me.  It wasn't a grip meant to keep me there, but rather an action of comfort (for him or me, I do not know).  "I...I like you.  A lot, (Y/N)."  His eyes met mine, he showed no insecurity, just honesty.  "I like you too Horny*" I said with a smile on my face.  "You know, I find it very impressive that you can bring the God of lies to tell you the truth."  He showed a slight smirk.  All the energy he gave off, it was simply purity. 

*Horny: a nickname I gave him in my teen years.

I haven't seen this side of Loki for a long time, and, I kind of missed it.  Granted, I love his mischief, but it's nice to see him expressing genuine emotion.  I noticed his smirk widen.  "You little shit, we made a deal! No mind reading.  Me, you, and Wanda."  He looked to the side, still smiling.  Somehow his hand made its way to the small of my back, the other hand still holding mine.  "Sometimes deals are worth breaking."

W/C: 1450
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-Orpheus <3

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