Juvia's gone mad

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Gray's POV

I was walking to the guild and I felt someone grab me. It was Juvia, what does she want. "Gray-Sama I love you date me Gray-Sama..." She whispered into my ear. "Sorry I'm taken." I said. She looked angry and started heading to the guild. "I'M GONNA GONNA FIND THEM AND I'M GOING TO KILL THEM!!!!!!!" She screamed at me. I quickly ran to the guild to warn them but most of them weren't there. "JUVIA'S GONE MAD GUYS, AND WHERE IS EVERYONE!!!!!!!" I screamed. "What happened Gray, what did you do...?" Erza asked worried. "I told her that I couldn't date her because I'm taken..." I whispered. Natsu looked at me and looked back at Lucy. He looked scared and shocked at the same time.

"WHERE IS GRAY!!!!!!!" Juvia came in and screamed. She saw me and came over to us. "WHO ARE YOU DATING!!!!!!!" She pointed at me and Mirajane came over. "Wait you dating someone...?" She asked. I nodded my head and looked at Erza. "Who is it...?" She whispered. "I can't say because SOMEBODY WILL KILL THEM!!!" I shouted as I turned my head to Juvia. She got mad and left, she was annoyed with us but I didn't care. "She needs to learn that I'm not her's..." I whispered. Mirajane put her hands on the table and looked into my eyes. "So Gray, who are you dating...?" She asked. "For now we are keeping it private but I'll tell you eventually." I said. She nodded her head and went back to the bar.

Natsu's POV

I watched Mira go back to the bar and I looked at Gray. I was petrified, what if Juvia found out, she would kill me. She'll hate me forever. Lucy, Happy, Wendy and Gajeel all went away from our table so it was only me, Erza and Gray left. Erza looked around to make sure no one was near and then looked at me. "So, are you guys together then...?" She asked. Gray nodded his head and I just stared at the table because I was daydreaming. Then Juvia came back with a katana and came running over to us. Everyone was looking at us scared for what she might do. "It has to be one of you two or Lucy, he's only really close to you guys..." She whispered. Gray looked at me and mouthed something to me. I'm pretty sure he said to play along with him or something. He started laughing really hard. "You really think I would date Natsu, he's my rival." He kept laughing so I joined in. "Juvia we're rivals." I laughed. She ran off crying.

Erza's POV

I watched Juvia run off and Natsu immediately stopped laughing and so did Gray. Gray got up and grabbed Natsu's wrist and ran off. I followed and so did Lucy and Happy. When we all got to Natsu's house we were all out of breathe apart from Natsu and Happy. "Ok, so what's happening Natsu...?" Lucy asked. " I don't want to be killed by Juvia, she will kill me if she found out..." Natsu whispered. "Wait, you two." Natsu and Gray nodded their heads whilst smiling. "Prove it." Lucy said sounding annoyed. "Kiss..." Happy whispered. Gray kissed Natsu and Happy blushed. "Omg they actually are, yay!" He was flying up and down excitingly. Lucy smiled and looked at Happy. "I ship it." She said.

Natsu's POV

"I ship it." Lucy said to Happy. "What's the ship name...?" Happy asked. "Gratsu." Erza said. "That sounds nice." Lucy said. "Gratsu, aye!" Happy was happy about it for some reason and I liked it because it made me feel happy too. "Anyway, how are you guys gonna deal with Juvia...?" Lucy asked us. "Well we're definitely not telling her because I'm afraid she'll kill me in my sleep, um, and if we don't tell her she'll spy on you which means we'll have to act like we aren't together, your choice, I don't mind being killed remember..." I whispered. " I don't think Happy will be very happy if Juvia killed you or Gray or Lucy." Erza said. "Wait, does Juvia know where I live...?" Everyone was shocked and looked at each other. "Does she...?" Erza asked. "What if she does...?" Happy was getting worried. "Gray, just say to her that you don't like her and that you don't like girls." I said. Gray nodded his head. We could just get Veli (She has hair like Natsu's but light brown she's addicted to Natsu just like Juvia is to Gray but not as bad. Her and Juvia are best friends. Veli can turn into anyone or anything she likes she also has a little sister called Reli who is 4 years old and can do just the same as Veli) and Juvia together.

"Couldn't we just get Juvia and Veli together...?" I asked. Everyone looked at me shocked but I think they agreed. "Natsu, you will get Veli to hang out with you and Gray you will do the same with Juvia, then y'all meet up somewhere." Erza said. "I'll smell you and come over to you..." I whispered. "Both of you go find them." Erza said. "But we can't leave Natsu on his own." Gray said sadly. Happy and Lucy were confused and looked at me. "Then Happy will go with him." Erza looked back at Lucy and smiled. "Come on Happy..." I whispered to Happy. He followed me and we left to go to the guild to see if Veli was there.

"Why can't you be left on you own...?" Happy asked sadly. "Gray can't trust me, that's all..." I whispered. "Why, what have you done...?" He asked. "Well, I um, Happy if I tell you, you can't tell anyone promise." "I promise." Happy said. "Basically I feel sad all the time and worried that people are gonna judge me when they look at me..." I had to explain the whole thing because I knew that Happy doesn't know what depression is but I think he knows about my anxiety, he's seen me have panic attacks before and crying because it gets too much. "Why are you sad, you shouldn't be sad, I'll make you happy..." "I wish it was like that Happy, but you can't just make me happy..." I whispered. "How..." He was trying to hide the fact that he was upset and he tried his best not to look at me. "Have you ever wanted to die...?" I asked. He was shocked and after a while he looked at me. "You wanna die...?" He asked crying. I nodded my head and we were silent until we saw Veli.

"VELIIIII!!!!!" Happy screamed. She came running over and hugged me. I saw Gray walk past behind the bushes so I tried to move Veli away so Gray could get in the guild. "Hang out with us for a bit." I said. Gray was looking at us and looked back at the bush. "Just as friends, nothing else." I said rudely. She nodded her head and I saw Gray walk into the guild. After a while he came out with Juvia. "Oh hey Natsu, how are you...?" He asked as he walked over to us. "Um, why do you care...?" I said. "I don't know, why do I care...?" He asked rudely. Then Veli and Juvia started having a conversation. Me and Gray pretended to argue and fight until we saw Juvia kiss Veli on the cheek, well I did. I stopped and looked at them. Gray turned around to see Juvia and Veli kissing on the lips. "Fight me." He whispered. We pretended to fight again and we tried to get into the guild. We saw Erza walk past us into the guild shaking her head. She was with Lucy and Lucy just looked at us weirdly.

Gray pushed me into the guild and I dragged him into it with me. Gray was on top of me and the whole guild was looking at us, even Gramps was. Why was Gramps downstairs anyways. "Is this a bad time to say you hand is ripping my cuts back open." Gray immediately let go of me and got up. Erza came over to us and we all went to the table that we normally sit on. "What happened...?" Erza asked. "We were pretending to fight and then Juvia kissed Juvia and then they started proper kissing." I said. "Well I guess that worked..." Erza whispered. Lucy was sat at the table looking angry and upset.

Gray's POV

I was happy that Juvia isn't harassing me, I felt way better. Lucy looked upset and angry, maybe something was going on between her and Natsu or something. Then she got up and grabbed Natsu by his hair and left with him...

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