liu new it was coming

331 12 3

Me:IAmWHISPER890  ask who does everyone like? How many kid would u have and what would u do if slendy kicked u out

Sally: me first... i would be homeless and ben for the kids 5

Ben: aww sally mabye 2 and live in major mask game

Slendy: zalgo none were both boys and im not ginna kick myself out

Jeff:no one none and live in a victim house (sorry fangirls)

Me: liu 1 and i kinda dont live in slendys place

Liu' i knew that was coming and idk really but yea id probley do the same as jeff

Lj: laughing jill idk and move to the old circus

Ej: kidneys 80000 and go to hell

Smile and grinny: beastly and a hole littler and live with jeff

Bob: dirt dirt and dirt

Rake: idk none and live in the woods

Offender man: everyone wemon in the world with tits and ass and none ill kill kids and i dont live here

Me: ok ill see u ppl later

Everyone: by!

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