Me: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We r doing a gift thing bobber
Jeff: we all ready pulled ever one names so yea!
Nani: I got Ben so here -hand Ben a book-
Ben: u don't know me at all!! So I got slendy so here! -hand slendy a ugly sweeter-
Slendy: um thanks a i guess here cheye -hands me liu in a bow-
Me: u know me so well! I got Jeff -give Jeff knife-
Jeff: Thanks and to Nina -gives self to nani-
Me: I think I made out this year!
Everyone: with who?
Me: its a metafor
Ben: I don't care what a meta is for!
Me: Ben u need u Tooter but any ways I'll see u guys later!

creepypasta crack
CasualeT or d with the creepy crew Note: this is a old ish book the Grammer sucks I'm sorry.