Chapter 1: Stranger Danger

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After being homeschooled, which is because she can not bear to go to school anymore, Adela liked to go to a lake she used to go to with her dad. It was a good place for her to think, but lately, the lake felt empty, like something was missing. That missing thing was Adela's father, his warm smile, and the shine in his eyes, but now the only sound she could hear was the flow of water. Her father was probably the most wonderful human being in the world. Now, whenever she came here, she felt weird, like someone was watching her. She had no idea why, but there was some strange presence in the lake now. It didn't feel as pure as it did before.

It felt just creepy and uncanny. Like some bizarre things might be there, never mind. Adela did have a massive thing for making things up, and it was probably nothing. There was a beach near the lake, where they used to swim together, and she remembered building sandcastles. She remembered playing volleyball on the sand and consistently winning, but now she knows that they let her win.

When her father passed away, she never knew how. One day, the day that he left her life forever, her mother Elizabeth told her that he had died in a car accident, and she honestly did not believe her.

At least, she did not want to. She sometimes also came here to think about her twin brother to maybe make sense of his disappearance, too; however, she didn't remember her brother. She remembered him dying of leukemia, but even that was a foggy memory. She did not know what it felt like to have a brother. There was nothing to think or feel about. Since they were only ten and then her brother just left her life. Just like her father did, no one wants to stay in her life. Everyone wants to leave and never come back. She only had her mother. She just remembered her brother to be a troublemaker whenever he was around, or that is what her mother told her.

A lot of the time, it felt like her mother did not even care about her. Adela thinks that her mother blames her for what happened to their family. How it broke into pieces that can not be fixed. No matter how hard she tries. No matter how much she was, her mother loved her again, as she did before. She would not even talk to her about her day or come to the lake with her. She misses those days. She did not even care anymore. Adela likes to be alone now, and it is acceptable for her to be. Eventually, she will move away from the house she lives in and find a place for herself. Get away from all the bad memories, and get away from an unloving mother.

Adela's personality changed when her father died, and her cheerful, bubbly self turned into a dull, stubborn 18-year-old who tried hard to keep all her emotions in and not let anyone see them. She used to be the leader of the soccer team and played the guitar but still does play from time to time. Not as much as before. She used to have many friends, but she now has no interest in anything aside from thinking about everything wrong with her. Honestly, she blames everything on herself, as does her mother. In some ways, that is what Adela thinks.

The sound of dripping water interrupted her thoughts as the sky turned from a rosy pink to a bland grey. Water started falling from the sky and onto Adela's cheek and then onto her nose when she looked up to the dark sky.

Adela decided not to stay any longer, and it would be an excellent time to go home before she got drenched. She got up and gathered her books and put them in her bag. She thought it was weird that it was raining, since it never did, not even near lakes and beaches. She wanted to spread her arms around and dance in the rain. Well, that would be the old Adela. The old Adela was free-spirited and was someone who hadn't a care in the world, but now she had every care in the world. The new Adela would be someone who would watch the rain from inside her room, wishing it would stop.

Quickly, she gathered her books and shoved them into her bag, but her books got a little wet she frowned, and before they could get completely soaked and she would from the rain. She ran home to make sure she kept dry, but the rain went from only light rain to raining harder and pouring down with no stopping. How she wished she brought an umbrella, but it was odd how there was no sign of a thunderous rainstorm. Just as she reached the street sign that read 'Angel Demon Drive.' Adela always found her street name weird since when she did have friends, they could never find her street, let alone her house. Also, she barely talks to anyone anymore, making friends is something that she still likes to do, but it's hard for her since now that she's homeschooled, she can not. She did graduate, though, with really good grades. Even though some days she enjoyed the rain, she began to run to her house, but today was one of those days.

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