Part 4: A Relationship Worth Having

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It has been a while since you seen or heard from Jason. The whole day, all you could think about was Jason. Later that night, your parents told you to take the trash out. Reluctantly, you did as you were told. You grabbed the trash and headed out the back door. Looking past your backyard gate, you saw Jason sitting by himself at the river. You dropped the trash right where you were standing and ran to him. Once he heard you running, he turned around and saw you. When he realized it was you, you saw him quickly turn his head away and wipe his eyes. "Jason, are you okay?", you asked. "Yea, I'm fine", he responded with a shaky voice. "What are you doing here late at night?", you asked, and before you were able to finish the question, you saw a tear drop from his bright blue eyes. "Chevy left us a while back", he said. "I come down here every night and think about him", he continued. You sat down next to him by the edge of the river and you comforted him while he told you everything he loved about Chevy and all the funny moments they had. "Chevy knew how much you loved him and he lived a long happy life. I can't imagine how much you're hurting right now, but that is how you know it was a relationship worth having. Chevy is so fortunate to have found a home with a family who loved him as much as you did. Just like you said, he left but hes still with you in your heart", you told him. You saw that Jason felt better after telling you about Chevy and what you said, and when you both got up, he hugged you and thanked you for listening and everything you said. As you both started to split off to head back home, you said, "I have a surprise for you tomorrow", you saw Jason's eyes light up under the moonlight and saw him smile. 

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