Chapter Nine: Magical Menagerie

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Ruby POV

Not sure how to respond to Mr Olivander I thanked him and left his little shop.

Outside I saw Hagrid standing there and saw that he bought me everything I needed.

After putting everything in my bottomless bag I realized that I was still missing one final thing.

"Hagrid I still don't have a pet," I exclaimed.

"That's alrigh' I know just where to take ya," he told me.

I followed him around until we came up to a loud store with a sign that said Magical Menagerie.

When I walked in the store instantly was silent and every animal was looking at me.

Then all of the owls moved away from me the cats started hissing at me and the rodents and toads scurried to the back of the store.

The shop owner was looking at me shocked and asked, "How in the name of Merlin did you do that?"

I started to scratch the back of my neck and said, "It's possible that I can change into a tiger."

"Fascinating, simply marvelous.  Oh, where are my manners my name is Tyrion Menagerie owner of this fine establishment," he told me.

"Pleasure to meet you sir my name is Ruby Storm."

"I can assure you that the pleasure is mine, now since everything in this store appears to be completely and utterly afraid of you it will be difficult to find a pet for you.  Since you are a charming young lady who has pleasant manners if you find any animal or animals I will let you buy them for half off only if they aren't terrified of you."

"You aren't mad that I terrified all of your animals?"

"Goodness me, not at all.  You coming in here and scaring all of these animals probably gave the older ones the kick that they needed."

"In that case may I look around Mr. Menagerie?"

"Now see here young Ruby, I like the fact that you have manners but I don't like how old you're making me sound when you address me so formally so please call me Tyrion."

"In that case, Tyrion, may I have a look around your fine store?"

"You may indeed and if you have any questions or need help then don't hesitate to ask me."

"Thank you and I will," I told Tyrion.

I turn and walk into the maze of cages looking for where any animal is that isn't about to jump out of its skin.

As I turn the corner I freeze in my tracks as I see the most beautiful creature I've ever sat my eyes upon.

Looking at me from its cage was a large bird that I had never seen before.  It's feathers were a black but when the light hit it they looked a deep blue color.  Its eyes were a true black color, so when light hit them they lit up like a rainbow showing all different types of color at once.

I slowly started to walk up to it so as not to disturb it.

Somehow the cage door clicked and the bird flew out and landed on my shoulder and continued to look into my eyes.

Suddenly it opened its mouth and a great majestic song came out.

Then I became shocked as I could understand the song as words of a male that I could understand as easily as English.

"Young Tigress, you are very beautiful," he told me.

"My beauty pales in comparison of your majesty," I told him honestly.

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