# 6.5 (Rebellion Era - Deeper in the Abyss)

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How dreadful? My beautiful dream turned to nightmare.

I never ever dream that my gift to humanity, the very cause of my abandonment of our Great Father and my home, will be the very thing that pierce her once porcelain skin and stealing her breath of life away.

How greedy and envious the human become? For the reason of my daughter's beauty is not something they would attained that they done THIS. Just for that. They kill their own kind, my wife and my daughter whom been nothing but kind...

There death... Makes me filled with unspeakable rage and anger I never felt before. 

I do not know what would I do with these vile and twisted emotions but one thing is apparent...

The world of humans has no need of such blemishes!

Funny enough...

The very creature I once vowed to protect, the very creature that I am willing to walk away from the Great Father is the creature that will cause me this misery.

The wings I once hide in my flee and once flew to save them has been tainted by their blood. My hands that willing handle a weapon every time they are in danger has been the one slaughtered them mercilessly. Ironic.

Oh,  Great Father... How far I have fallen?

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