The problem of the day

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I woke up from the re occurring nightmare in a cold sweat, shaking and shivering. 

I wiped a drop of sweat from the tip of my nose, and threw my covers off of me. 

I sat on the edge of my bed for a few moments to calm myself down. I took deep breaths, and felt instantly calmer.

"I hate that dream, with a passion." I mumbled sleepily.

Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Maybe it's a message'. I already know that. It's been happening for as long as I can remember, and I'm only 16. This dream always scares the wits out of me, but I've learnt to not get so scared of it. Though it always seems so real.

My name is Alice Moore. I'm a Sophomore at my high school. I live in a town called Landon. I have a younger sister, Kelsey, who is a year younger. My parents are not very appreciative of me, and I don't know why. 

Overall, my life is pretty complicated.

"Alice! Get your body down these stairs before I can say your name again!" my father yelled from downstairs.

I grumpily obliged and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, where my mother, father and sister were. 

"Are you going to school in your pajamas?" my Mother snapped.

"No, Dad didn't tell me to get dressed, and I-" I was cut off.

"You would dare talk back to your mother?" My dad growled, as he banged his fist on the marble bench top.

"No, I-"

"I have had enough of your scheming. I'm not going to allow that in my house anymore, so you can go up to your room, pack a bag, and bugger off somewhere else. Kelsey is the definition of a perfect child. Straight A's, a good group of friends, doesn't zone out for hours at a time! Whereas you, Alice, are a disgrace. You are not my child. I'm not putting up with your failing grades, druggo friends and your stupidity. Get out of my house." My mother ranted with a snark. She had her arms crossed over her chest and she had her brow furrowed.

Tears welled up in my eyes, daring to fall down my porcelain cheeks. I looked at my father, and he was slightly nodding. His eyes glared int my very soul. I glanced at Kelsey, who, as soon as I met her eyes, looked at the ground. There was a faint chip in her breathing, as if she were sobbing.

I shook my head in an 'I can't believe this' manner. I turned and ran up the stairs and slammed my door, and let out massive sobs. I got an overnight bag, filled it with clothes and a few pairs of shoes. I added toiletries, makeup, all of the necessities. I gathered as many clothes as I could and had to struggle to zip the bag closed. 

I got dressed for the day, and I ran out of the house with my duffel bag. I ran down to the bus stop, and I bumped into Kelsey, causing her to drop her geometry book. 

"Alice!-" I walked to the other side of the bus stop and waited for my best friend, Raymond.

No matter how many times Kelsey tries to make contact with me, I will not respond. She didn't say anything when I was getting disowned and kicked out right in front of her. It was Kelsey who didn't speak up. I didn't want to talk to her, so I put earbuds in my ear and stifled sobs.

Soon enough, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around -- it was Raymond.

"Ali, are you okay? What's wrong?" he soothed.

"I- I-..."

"Take deep breaths.."

I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. "This morning, I was kicked out..."

He looked shocked.

"And disowned...."

Now he looked utterly angry and confused.

"Why?" he whispered. He could barely utter a word.

"Because I'm apparently a scheming, conniving little bitch who has druggo friends and a library of stupidity..."

"That's complete bullshi-"

"I know... Could I maybe stay with you?"

He smiled gently. "Of course, Mom will let you stay as long as you need. She loves you."

I pulled him int a hug, and couldn't hold the tears in anymore. I cried and cried until the bus wheels squeaked then stopped at our station.

I wiped the streaks off of my tear stained cheeks and got onto the bus, sitting 3/4 way down the bus. 

Ray and I sat in silence for the whole journey.

When we reached the school, everyone descended down the stairs of the bus and walked into the gates and to their own friends groups.

Ray and I walked over to our group, who sat in front of the library. I greeted Elizabeth, Daniel and Rebecca with a forced smile. They saw through it.

They have been there for me through thick and thin, and they can tell when I'm lying -- Becca and Ray especially. I met them all in kindergarten. We were all the outcasts, and we were brought together as a group to work on a project called 'How to blow bubbles'. We became really good friends from then on. They know all my secrets and I know all theirs. I can't imagine life without them. We have a long history.

"What's up, Ali?" Daniel questioned.

"I.. I can't say it... Ray?" I replied.

He sighed and patted my shoulder. "Alice was kicked out and disowned this morning, so she'll stay at my house."

Everyone's faces turned grave. They sat there for a moment, and then, one by one, they stood up to give me a soothing hug. 

"It'll be okay. Talk to us at any time, okay? We're here for you." Elizabeth chimed.

They all nodded in agreement. I didn't realise I was crying until Ray wiped a tear from under my eye.

I looked into his eyes, and felt calmer. Seeing those vivid blue eyes always made me feel safe. I was so grateful that he was my best friend, because I couldn't ask for anyone else.

The day passed in a blur, I didn't pay attention to anything in any of my classes, which earned me an after school detention. 2 hours! What kind of school gives two hour detentions? I could be busy doing something! Not that I'll actually be doing anything.

When the school day and my detention passed, I walked out to the front of the school.

I texted Ray.

Me: I'm coming over now, sorry it took so long :/

Ray: Don't be sorry, I had fun watching the birds eating the nectar from the trees.

Me: But your house doesn't have any trees with nectar?

Ray: But the school does :)

Me: No.. You didn't.

I was walking, looking at my phone, and bumped straight into Ray's chest. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, shocked.

"I was waiting for you to get out of detention." he smiled.

You see? I couldn't ask for anyone better. He's told me before that he only catches the bus on school days so that he can see me every morning. God love him. 

"Ready to go home?"

"Are we walking?" I pouted.

"Yeah, I told Mom, so she won't be worried. She can't pick us up because she's at work. And if your legs get tired, I'll carry you." he winked.

We stared at each other, trying to keep straight faces, but we couldn't. We burst into fits of laughter.

"Let's go, Ray." I giggled, lightly punching his shoulder. 

We started our walk back to his house.

And it was amazing.

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