How is this possible?!

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"That's impossible... How can that be me?!" I said, sitting up.

"I know this is confusing for you... But you need to calm down." Cora said.

"Calm down? Calm down? I have no muscles or bones!" I screamed.

I know what you're thinking. What do I mean by 'I don't have muscles or bones'? It's simple, yet, at the same time, very, very complicated. At this point in time, I was ready to scream until I fainted. Or cry until I couldn't anymore. Or come up with some logical explanation for this, whatever this actually was.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't do any of that. I was just... numb with shock.

I bet you're wondering what was wrong. I bet you think it was a tumor, or a massive complication that no one knew was there until I got mugged.

But it's nothing like you think. You, nor I, could've ever guessed what I'm about to tell you.

Just be ready to accept the full blow of this discovery.

I didn't have bones...

I didn't have muscles...

What I had was nothing I would've guessed in my dizziest daydreams.

Instead of normal bodily functions... I had wires...

Wires, thick and thin, crammed into what I expected to be bones, arteries, veins, muscles. Just normal things in general.

Big cylindrical pieces of metal were in my body, instead of bones. 

I thought, This isn't possible. There's no way this is true.

But it is true. There was just one strange thing about this whole situation.

"Why aren't you guys as freaked out as I am?" I looked between the two, and I couldn't understand what was keeping them so calm.

"I..." Ray began. "I thought I was the only one..."

I stopped everything. Blinking, talking, thinking, even breathing. I just stopped.

"What?" I finally managed to say.

"I thought I was the only one like this. We've never heard of another case of this..."

"So, you're saying that you have wires and shit too?! I don't believe you! You're just trying to make light of this situation." I shook my head in disbelief.

Ray stared at me for a few moments, or a few minutes, I couldn't tell the difference.

But he walked over to the knife block, pulled out a knife, and sliced his forearm open, from the crease of his elbow to the crease of his wrist. Blood instantly gushed out of his arm, dripping red dot on the white floor. Such a beautiful, but disturbing contrast. The knife dropped to the tiles  with a clink!

"Ray! What the hell?!" I screamed, snapping my neck in place. 

"Oh, Ray, why did you have to do that." Cora sighed. That was the first time she'd spoken since she showed me the photo of myself. She took out another sponge from her medical kit, covered it in antiseptic solution, and handed it to Ray, who, in turn, put it down on the bench.

He came closer to me. I think he could see the panic in my eyes.

He held out his bloody arm to me, and stuck his index and middle finger inside the cut. He winced, and so did I.

He spread his fingers apart, and put the sponge on the wound, to absorb the blood. Once there was barely any blood coming out, he told me to look at it. I hesitated, but gave in. I looked down at his arm as he spread the skin, revealing what he said he had... Wires and metal...

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