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luke's pov

i dart my eyes back down to where i had been collecting my things, hoping that michael wouldn't know that i had noticed him, and that maybe he would just walk away. but still he stood there, staring down at me in such a lecherous manner that i felt like i was going to explode.

"hi there," michael says quietly, his mouth beginning to curve up into a smirk. i looked up, trying hard not to make direct eye contact, and gave him a small smile. he then offered me his hand and i gladly took his offer, but soon after i regretted it. his small hands gripped mine tightly, and he used his strength to pull me up; bringing me close to him. too close

michael's lips were only inches away from mine and soon enough i felt my cheeks heating up. he noticed this and smirked at me once again; and i slowly began to feel like i was making a fool out of myself. i didn't want him to see me like this, we only just met a few seconds ago.

"what's your name?" he asks me, looking into my eyes. i've never been this close to a guy, or atleast a guy that was this good-looking. and i was so nervous, that my throat was starting to dry up

"l-luke" i stuttered.

"okay, luke" he said in a witty tone,
"how would you like to go on a date with me this friday night?" he asks, smiling at me. it felt like i was so much smaller than him, but that was not at all the case. i swallowed hard before answering his question

"i-uhm, i'd love that" i replied, smiling back at him.

"okay," he started "i'll pick you up at 12am"

my face falls when i process what he says. "what? but that's way past my curfew, my mum will never let me-"

michael wraps one arm around my waste, pulling me even closer to the point where are noises are nearly touching.

"who says she needs to know?" michael smirks at me one more time, kisses my nose, and then walks off, leaving me here all alone with a heart that was beating a bit too fast.


as soon i as had got off my bus and got to my house, i trudged straight to my room and plopped down onto my bed. did i really have a date on friday night? all of this was so unreal, and thoughts of michael have been consuming my mind ever since history class where he had asked me out. i needed to talk to someone about this, so of course i decide to text calum.


lucifer: so is that michael guy really as bad as they say?

calculator: OoOOhH do you like him?

lucifer: yeah i think i do

calculator: OH YMSNGU

lucifer: find your chill calcium

calculator: fu

lucifer: no

calculator: ask michael out

lucifer: he already asked me out

calculator: WHAT WHEN

lucifer: he asked me out today nd he wants me to go on a date with him on friday pls send help ive never even been on a date before what if i fuck it all up calum im so worried

calculator: aw lukey dont worry youll be fine

lucifer: are you sure

calculator: yeah, you want me to hide in the bushes and we can use those earpieces to communicate

lucifer: no i can go on the date without your help thnx

calculator: fine but dont call me crying when you say something stupid like "wow i want you to fuck my ass michael youre so daddy af!!1!!1!"

lucifer: i hate you

calculator: love u too


a/n: OH MY GOD IM SO FUCKING SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO UPDATE IM A TERRIBLE PERSON I KNOW BUT I WANTED TO MAKE THIS LONGER BC THE PAST CHAPTER WAS SHORT AND THIS ISNT EVEN THAT LONG BUT WHATEVER IM JUST GONNA STOP RAMBLING NOW BC YOU GUYS DONT CArE yeah ok sorry i rly do suck and im mad bc my dad made me chicken wings (i fuckin love chicken wings ok) but he lit the fucking grill on fire and burnt my goddamn chicken wings so they tasted like ass. thnx dad love u you da real mvp

oh and i apologize for my mediocre writing skills just bare with me oK

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