Luck # 12 : Brand New Girl

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Bad idea. 
A very, very, very bad idea, worst idea ever.

Giving Kim Dahyun her phone number is the worst idea she made, oh probably not, she thinks this was the second,  choosing Dahyun as her fake girlfriend remains, of course... that's her first worst choice..

Because her phone now won't stop ringing from her sickeningly sweet, chessy messages or worst, calls that interrupting her concentration in her class and her student council meetings.

Stupid kid...

This is why I don't want to like her.... 

"Nayeonnie, just answer your phone. I think it won't stop until you answer it.." Jihyo told her, nudging her.

"If you only knew, Park Jihyo.." Nayeon muttered under her breathe, calming her nerves.

Nayeon massaged her temples as she finally decides to just freaking pick up the call for the nth time this day, just to stop this annoying calls.

"What do you want this time, Dahyun-shi~" Nayeon said in her clenched teeth.

"I forgot to tell you something..." Dahyun says in the other line. Nayeon groaned in frustation as she was so impatient Dahyun was about to say.

"Didn't we just talk like some minutes ago? What are you going to tell me that you need to call me again? I'm busy, Kim Dahyun.."

"Uhmmm.... I call you again just in case you're not reading my messages..." Dahyun softly says. She can imagine Dahyun looking at her feet now and rubbing her neck nervously as she said this.

"Then what it is?"

"Fighting, my candy pop.." Dahyun meekily said.  A brief silence took over them, almost ten seconds Nayeon just staring nowwhere else, maybe she's looking to the air in the room as she racks her brain how it is so relevant that it has needed to be delivered by a phone call.

Jihyo watches Nayeon, she can't help to be saddened from bipolar actions of her bestfriend towards to the eagle kid. It's so confusing.. 

"That's it?" Nayeon said it in serious tone, the tone that she uses when she was pissed. Worried glances were on Nayeon as they thought that she was talking serious with someone.

"Uhmm.... also...." Dahyun stops.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Just..... relax and don't be pressured. I know you only want to be best on what you do, Nayeon unnie but I'm worried... I'm really worried that you don't take care yourself more.. Please... just be easy...We're still young..." Dahyun said it quickly, more like she was scolding Nayeon being so damn perfectionist.

Nayeon shakes her head, she let out a chuckle "What are you saying right now?" 

"I just want to tell you that I'm worried and I miss you not seeing you, my Candy Pop."

Nayeon smiles a bit as she says "Dahyun... just... can you just stay still for a while, okay? I'll come back to you, okay. Just don't.. * bother me.. * call or message me, I won't really answer like that if you keep doing it.. Just go with Chaeng, get it?"

Dahyun squealed in joy as she answered so brightly "Yes, my Candy Pop! I promise!"

"Okay, good so I'll be hanging this up and continue on my work. Bye." "Loveee youuuu~"

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