Chapter thirteen- 'Ivy'

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After that, the next day in school, I was with Nicki and Audrey talking about shoes "and those pink stilettos you wore for Yusuf's party, they were the killers." Nicki commented to Audrey.

"Come-on, did you see those horrible pumps Kiara Swift wore? You would have sworn she didn't look at the mirror before coming"

"Talk more about her dress"

"It was like she was going for her sisters 8th year old party" Audrey said "what do you think Ivy?" She asked when she noticed my mind was not in their conversation, then they both followed the gaze on my eyes and reached to where Bobby was talking to some blonde that was believed to be called 'Gloria' she wasn't really popular but actually modest.

"Why are you staring" Nicki broke my thoughts.

"Don't tell me you can't see how your bestie has fallen in love" Audrey said. And as soon as she said that, my eyes widened.

"What?" I finally spoke " no."

"Don't deny it Ivy it's obvious" Nicki playfully rolled her eyes "and you are jelly of that girl he's talking to, why aren't you with him anyways?"

"Broke up" I sighed.

"Why?" Audrey asked.

"Couldn't do it anymore"

"Aww, you were cute together" She further said

"Well too bad—" then when they saw Bobby coming my direction they left.

"Hey Bobby" I awkwardly said playing with the Hem of my shirt.

"Um...Ivy, I wanted to give you your 2000 bucks for this week since it's ending tommorow and..." Those were the last of his words I heard because I was too busy focused on the fact that he just called me 'Ivy'


Bobby Robert Jones just called me 'Ivy' I was expecting to feel relieved the day he finally did but I guess it wasn't relief I felt.....I felt disappointed.

Could it be possible that I hurt him so much so now he calls me 'Ivy' and no longer Irene of was it just a slip of the tongue?

"Hmm..." He called me back to life.

"Oh yeah." I skipped outta trance "no need for the money"

"You sure about—"

"I'm good" I assured him with a smile that didn't quite reach my doe brown eyes.

And then I left.

I couldn't last staying another second with him, it was like I was holding my breath throughout and I just needed to breathe.


Hey, it's me again.

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