Chapter fifteen- this will make her sleep...alot

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It's Saturday, yey!

No school today

And just when I was celebrating I remembered that I had some babysitting to do.

Fucking stupid children!


"Good day Irene" mom greeted as I came.

"What?" I whined.

"I'm going to Kelvin's house right now and I'm leaving you with Mrs Donald's daughter now"

"She's here?"

"She will be, in some minutes time"

"But I'm just waking up"

"That's none of my business now go and get ready. No leaving the house and make sure she doesn't spoil anything"

"Okay whatever"

Then I left to take my bath, brush my teeth and blahblahblah.

When I was done, I heard the doorbell ring and I went to go and get it.

"Good morning", Mrs Donald greeted.

"Good morning, how may I help you?"

"I want to drop Anastasia here for a while—"

"I thought it was Brianna"

"No that's my older daughter, anyways I was hoping you could take care of her. And remember it takes a lot of time to get her to sleep, and she needs some"

"Leave that to me" I said with a smile then the cute 7 year old walked inside the house saying to her mom.

"Mom, I'm seven why do I need a babysitter" but her mom was already gone. We both sat on the couch and she asked "I wanna watch some TV?"

"Sure" then I picked up the remote and switched the channel to 'Disney Junior' .

"What the heck!" She cursed.

Then I looked at here in awe

Where the fuck did she learn that from.

"I'm not a baby as you can see" then she collected the remote from my hand and started selecting what to watch then I left to the kitchen and made some brownies, then my phone started ringing and I picked it up, and left the kitchen "hey Abbie" it was Abigail who was calling

"Um...Ivy, can"


"Zulu's park, I'll be there by one"

"I'll try and see if I can come"

"Please do"

Then my eyes turned back to the girl seated on the couch before I answered "I will" then I cut the call and sighed.

"Hey, brownies are ready!"

"Yey!" She cheered before going to the dinning, we ate and ate until we were tired."I love brownies" she said. "So what do wanna do?" She asked me.

"I dunno, you?" I replied

"My phone is getting boring so I honestly don't know too"

"You have a phone!?"


"Wow, I got a phone when I was twelve"

"Ouch for you"

"No wonder your so...." Then I didn't know what to add.

"Spoilt" she ended it for me "I get that alot."

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