Kryptonian Survival

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Somewhere in the Phantom Zone

Doomsday and Legion come crashing down into the deserted area. Doomsday quickly recovers and flies towards Legion who is barely standing up.

Legion moves out of the way and grabs Doomsday by the leg and slams him to the ground.

"It's over Doomsday! We're in the Phantom Zone now and there's no escaping!"

Doomsdays laughs,"Fool! You coming here with me is my way out! The kryptonian girl will keep the Phantom Zone open waiting for you to return,but it will be me who will leave this place. Right after I squash you puny kryptonian!!"

Doomsday punches Legion at full strength sending him across the the deserted area. He flies after Legion grabbing him and tossing him up in the air. He flies up and uppercuts Legion. Doomsday then continues to hit legion multiple times until he grabs him and throws him straight towards the ground. Legion slams into the ground at full impact creating a huge crater. He tries to quickly stand up before Doomsday comes flying down tackling him and taking him down beneath the surface of the Phantom Zone. Legion starts elbowing Doomsday on the back trying to escape his grasp. They both come crashing into the outer core of the Phantom Zone where it's mostly filled up of magma.

As their fight continues and both of them trying to avoid falling into the magma. Legion flies and hits doomsday with all his strength. Sending him flying into a pile of boulders and rocks.

Legion looks around scouting the place,"I have to find a way to end this and trap Doomsday in here so I can escape this place." Doomsday jumps and grabs Legion taking him down to the ground.

Legion headbutts Doomsday and hits him with a boulder covered in magma. He then looks at the boulders above them and uses his heat vision destroying his surroundings. The heat vision causes the boulders to fall and cave in on Doomsday. Legion then uses his heat vision on the ground around Doomsday causing the ground to break and magma to come out erupting striking Doomsday and Legion.

Doomsday roars in pain as he falls into the magma and starts burning alive. Legion is able to move out the way but part of the magma strikes him and melts part of his armor causing his left arm to get burn. He grabs his arm in pain and flies out of there before he's also trapped in there. Legion makes his way out onto the surface and looks around for a way out of the Phantom Zone. He starts flying around the deserted place searching for his way back to the Fortress of Solitude.

He spots an old ruin that looks like it can collapse any second. He enters the ruin and looks around. There's writing on the walls in a language Legion doesn't recognize. He slowly walks up to the wall that looks like a portal and tries to understand the heiragliphs on it. He sees a familiar symbol on the wall. The symbol belongs to his family back on Krypton. The same symbol that is on his armor chest plate. Legion realizes that in order to open the portal he needs to place his symbol on the wall. He looks at what's left of his armor since it was damaged during the fight with Doomsday and part of it melted by the magma. He rips out the symbol from his armor and places it on the carving on the wall. As he places it there's a click noise and a hologram appears.

A manwearing similar armor with the same symbol appears. He looks like Legion only a bit older and with a beard.
"This message will only play for my son Legion."

"Father? Is it really you?" Legion walks towards the hologram and reaches out to grab him, out for his hand to go through his father. "My son I was able to upload a part of my mind into this device. I created the phantom zone with the help of Jor-El and your mother. I had built this device on the wall as a safety feature in case any one of us was ever put in the phantom zone. You can also remove the device and use it to open a portal to go back where you came from."

Legion stares at the hologram. "Father? It's really you.... I've dreamt of seeing you. Everyday I try so hard to remember you and my mother but it gets harder and harder. The day Krypton was destroyed Zod took me with him. He raised me and turned me into a soldier to fight his battles. I didn't know who you were until one day when I was young I was able to find information on Krypton and people from there. Zod tried to teach me about Krypton his way but he didn't know that I would sneak off and gather information on my own. Know I'm finally able to put a face on who my father is."

"Zod is an evil Kryptonian that must be stopped my son. You must help Kal-El and Kara Zor-El. You 3 are the key to saving the universe and defeating Zod. Press the button with the house of El symbol on the device and a portal will open. You must return and help them my son." Legion takes the device and looks at his father."Fighting Doomsday took a lot out of body is half burnt and bruised....I don't know if I have enough strength to help stop Zod."

"I believe in you my son...after all you're the son of Mon-Zal." Mon-Zal smiles at his son."Will I get to see you again father?" Legion asks wondering if this will be the last time he gets to talk with his father." Of course not my son. Take the device with you it has a crystal inside. The crystal holds an A.I. of your mother and I with information from our past and mind. Go and save the universe that's what you were born to do." Mon-Zal disappears and Legion presses the button. A portal is open and leads back to the Fortress of Solitude. Legion feeling the aftermath of his fight with Doomsday limps into the portal and arrives at the fortress where Supergirl is waiting for him trying to open the Phantom Zone.

Supergirl sees another portal open and watches as Legion stumbles out of it and falls to the ground. She realizes that most of his armor is torned off and half his body is burnt covered with bruises. She runs towards him and hugs hims."Are you ok? I couldn't get the Phantom Zone to open again I thought you were gonna be trapped in there forever." Legion slowly gets up with help from Supergirl."You didn't think you were gonna get rid of me that easy." They both laugh and hug again. Supergirl stares at him."You're badly hurt I need to get you back to the med-bay at the Hall of Justice." Legion nods his head in disapproval. "No, I must help Kal-El defeat Zod. This must end now before he kills Kal-El." Supergirl nods and they both fly back to Metropolis to help the Justice League end this war.

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