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CHAPTER TENRETIREMENT PARTY GONE WRONG"makes me feel like a dangerous woman"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"makes me feel like a dangerous woman"

A million thoughts were clouding Harley's mind as she sat infront of her mirror, carefully applying lipgloss to her already plump lips.

After running out on Sweet Pea at the quarry, she had made a beeline through the woods. Then, she had called Jughead, asking if he could give her a ride. She was slightly hesitant to the fact that her childhood best friend was riding a motorcycle, but seeing as she had already been on one on several occasions with Sweet Pea it wasn't too big of a deal.

Sweet Pea was still stuck to her mind like a piece of gum to a shoe. Harley couldn't shake the thought what might've happened if she hadn't bolted. They were so close, they almost kissed. No. Harley shook her head, ridding her mind of the thought. She did the right thing by running off. Nothing good would ever come out a relationship between a Northsider and a Southsider. Well, except with Betty and Jughead. In their case, the uncovering of a murder came out of it. That, and a hell of a lot wholesomeness.

But then again, the two were broken up. Which only goes to show how it wouldn't work. If they couldn't do it, no one could. Harley wasn't even sure why she was overthinking it. So what if they 'almost kissed'? Harley was distraught and felt lonely, he probably did too. It was just crazy to even think that either of them even liked each other, let alone would ever land in an romantic equation.

Besides, Harley had barely even associated with the Serpent. Expect for the time she saved him from being arrested at the school, and that time at the drag race. And that time outside of Jughead's trailer when Betty broke up with him through Archie. And yesterday at Pop's and the quarry. Okay, so yeah maybe they had associated a lot more then Harley would like to admit, but they hadn't really talked until they were at the quarry. And their time there was spent making jokes and eating, not getting to know each other.

Harley slammed her lipgloss down. She was done thinking about Sweet Pea. Instead she decided to focus at the task at hand, getting dressed and ready to see Jughead's dad.

As previously mentioned, FP Jones was far from Harley's favorite person in the world. But she had to give him credit that after he got out of jail, he had tried his best to make up for being a shitty father. He had quit drinking, as well as having stopped acting shady. Though he wasn't about to earn father of the year after cleaning of Jason's blood and stashing him in a freezer before dumping him in Sweetwater river, he had paid for his mistakes and Jughead needed his father regardless of his tuff boy act.

Out of love and support for Jughead, Harley was currently getting dressed for FP's retirement party. What is he retiring from you may ask? The Serpents. Harley wasn't even aware that one could quit a gang, let alone retire, but it wasn't like she had done any research about it. Other then the several movies she had watched. According to those, you were killed off if you decided to 'quit' the gang. Simply because one had too much inside information. Kind of like an ex.

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