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her eyes trailed over the building in awe as she slowly thought to herself. 'Wow.. it could use more excitement. ' She made sure her ID was in her hand before walking in. The sudden sound of the door opening caused three pairs of eyes to snap over towards it. y/n waved in a bit of concern at the cracking sound that went through the silence at her appearance. "Hello there, I saw the open sign and decided that I'd stop in for a try. "

dark brown irises continues to bore into her figure before she looked down at the floor, rubbing her ear as it began to burn from the embarrassment she was in. "if it's not a good time, i can wait outside or come back in another hour. " hurriedly turning on her feet she went back to exit the building before a chair screeched against the floor.

"no, " the figure yelled before flinching at their voice. "I'm sorry, i meant 'no' as in it's fine to stay. we're most definitely ready to serve you. " the other two stared in awe at the sight of their first customer before hurrying to their posts.

the woman smiled mischievously, though the three couldn't see it, before turning back around. "great!" she looked over the menu, blinking at how it looked a bit plain but it was cute with how small it was. "is it okay if i get.. the spicy chicken stir-fry and the soft tofu soup? " seung-kwon froze at the sigh of her smile before he nodded, writing the items down. "And to drink? "
A moment of silence covered them, but she spoke up again. "Do you have any soju? " seung-gwon nodded, "Yes. I'll need your ID though? " He was given the card and looked in awe at the sight of her birth year before he handed her ID back with a smile. "I'll get your order done, " he left the small appetizer infront of her before walking back to Hyeon-yi and saeroyi.

hyeon-yi nodded at the two meals before getting work while saeroyi raised an eyebrow at his flustered expression. "why is your face like that? " seung-gwon glared at him and moved to grab a bottle of soju, "she's twenty three and looks so young. " saeroyi shrugged, "maybe she drinks lots of water?" a second glare was thrown his way before two watched as the woman ate the appetizer with a warm smiled before pulling out a notepad and writing down the details.

"what do you think she's writing? " "about how weird you are staring at her. " "saeroyi." the said male shrugged, taking the soju from the other and bringing it to the table.

all the while the two had their conversation, y/n wrote in her book about how well the place was to be a new addition. 'the workers are a bit awkward, but i think they'll be more energetic and welcoming as time goes. the soup they bring out as an appetizer is fresh and warm, but it could use a bit of a kick to it. I'm sure you'll like it though, T-'

"here's your soju, miss. " the deep voice rang through her ears before her head lifted to face the owner and man of the hour. saeyori smiled as he placed the bottle and little shot glass down prior to getting ready to walk away.

"are you perhaps the owner? " his body stiffed as he turned back around, "yes, i am. is there anything bothering you? " her hands rose to wave quickly infront of her as she sputtered, "no no! i just have a few questions. "

after a few moments of thinking, saeroyi sat in the chair infront of her. he rested his elbows against the table and leaned forward for their covnersation. "ask away. "

"first, congratulations on opening your business. even though the soup i had was an appetizer, i'm ready to eat the food i ordered. " saeroyi watched her face light up a bit as she spoke, nodding to show he was listening. she wore false lashes while her lips were lined in a dark brown, but there was gloss that encased them. she had a beauty mark underneath her left eye and there was a hello kitty sticker that was on her right cheek.

"are you planning to hire me or am i just too pretty? " saeroyi snapped his eyes back to meet hers while she looked at him with a bit of smugness, meaning she caught him staring.
he shook his head, smiling as he sat back. "you want to work here? " she nodded as she looked around, " why not? you get another employee and i get to help be apart of a team while making money. and maybe i can bring some dishes and designs to the table. sounds like a good deal no? "

the two held a staring contest before a hand rose up, " park saeroyi. " her hand met his, warmth clashing against cold skin before her name was exposed as well. "kim y/n." they continued to eye each other as the door opened again.

he gave a soft hum as the ghost of a smile lightly showed as he looked down at her. "please.. call me saeyori instead. Ill be right back, but until then enjoy the food. " he stepped away to do his job after seung-gwon went finished seating the other three customers.

the brown toned girl enjoyed her meal, making few glances towards the man before going back to minding her business. as he ate, she continued to write.

'The owner seems to be a gentle yet strong willed man. I think he'd be a great influence on anyone who needs it. I'll change the topic for now since I've yet to discover anything else. I can't wait for you to arrive, baby brother!

XOXO the best big sister,

༶•┈┈⛧┈ 🪸 ┈⛧┈┈•༶

after a while, she had finished the entire meal and was ready to pay. kindly waving seung-gwon over, she pulled out her card with a wide smile. the two talked the billing over, which was fairly less than she expected, but was happy to pay for. after seung-gwon placed the appetizer down in front of the three new customemrs, he went to saeroyi for a small talk about them. saeroyi nodded before looking at his friend.

"Make sure to check their IDs." His eyes went back to the one customer separate than the group, observing how she wouold cautiously eat without making a spill on the paper. "And make sure she doesn't leave before I get back. "

a bit while after, he finally returned to his pub with a friend. He continued to talk with her outside of it until his eyes landed on the brown toned girl who had just paid and was ready to get home.

she looked up after fixing herself and smiled towards the couple, bowing her head in respect. "Oh, excuse me, I didn't mean to interrupt." 'Is what i would say if i actually was pussy. ' the black haired man shook his head out of respect, giving a small smile. "It's alright, but for someone who seemed persistent about a job offer, you're leaving so soon."

the two shared a smile before a slight shuffle changed their attention. Soo-ah smiled innocently as she looked between the two. "I am also sorry to interrupt, but we were having a conversation." dark brown eyes widened as her smile widened. "My.. then i shall let you two carry on.'

saeroyi being the clueless man he was immediately tried to block y/n's way. it was one thing looking for people to hire, it was another for them to be interested and letting them leave.

"have you perhaps tried the cake?"

the two stared at him in confusion until one spoke up. "Do you mean the fudge cake you have on the menu?" saeroyi gave a stiff nod before gently ushering her back to the entrance, "i personally insist you try it. on the house for you wanting to work here."
y/n gave him a raised eyebrow, eyeing him as if he's grown a second head because he doesn't seem the type to be jumpy. although all signs of sleepiness were waving through her eyes, she stayed and spoke to the other workers about what he said.

soo-ah hummed a bit as she looked at saeroyi fix himself up from that embarrasing perdiament. " that went well." saeroyi shook his head, giving a small smille. "I'll call you later about the beer." his high school crush watched him walk into the building.

her eyes trailed over the sight of him speaking to the two [three] workers as they gave him blank looks of what seemed like disappointment. as her eyes watched, they narrowed in on saeroyi and y/n separating themselves to talk more about what she assumes is the job offer, but the more excited the black woman seemed, the more soo-ah became unsure.

why does it seem she was losing a lover she never got to make into a reality?


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