Chapter 35: Battle For Haven Part 2

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Haven Academy (3rd Person Pov)

Chaos: Huhh that's an interesting power they have

18: It's amazing... I dare say they might have just made it into that ultimate tier

Kamioren: It doesn't matter if you've fused! Two weaklings still make a weakling!

Rikeno: Let's see if we're a weakling now 

Rikeno bought her leg back then jumped behind Kamioren, she moved so fast nobody even saw her all Kamioren felt was the winds blowing past him, he turned about to punch her but she was gone 

Kamioren: What the?

He turned only to get hit by a red lightning bolt making him crash into the stairs 

Kamioren struggled to get to his feet but once he did he saw a magic circle open up underneath him then some ice shards shot out of them attacking him making him shout in pain. He managed to raise his hand then shot a ki blast at Rikeno, seeing this she stuck her hand out creating a barrier that blocked the attack.

She then stuck out her middle and index finger then bought them up as if she was swiping something, Kamioren was then struck by a hand punching him upwards, she then made a fist and thrusted it downwards as a portal opened up and he got punched directly in the back making him crash into the ground.

Kamioren: I don't get it, I'm meant to be much stronger than you!

Rikeno: You don't get it, when you were two people you were weaker than us then you merged to become stronger so we did the same honestly it's simple logic 

Kamioren: No! I refuse! I'm the strongest! The strongest!

Kamioren was cut off by a punch from Rikeno driving him into the wall creating a crater, Rikeno stuck her hand out and fired some her holy power of destruction attacking Kamioren making him cry out in pain 

Chaos: Kamioren is being pushed back

18: And so will you

Chaos turned but got punched by 18 sending her back a little bit, she regained herself and extended her wings which got cut off by Artoria's Excalibur. Kazane then raised her staff making a gush of water that hit Chaos forcing her to her knees

Kazane: Angeloids can't swim due to their wings being to heavy, I'd say this is your best chance

Artoria nodded then raised her sword high making it glow

18: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Artoria: Can you make a barrier?

18: Yeah

18 stuck her hands out and the four beings were covered in a green dome 

Artoria: Ex

Chaos's wings grew out of the water and formed a circle in front of the little girl

Artoria: CALIBUR!

She bought down her sword releasing the golden wave striking Chaos creating a large explosion, 18 put down the barrier and Kazane stopped her attack of water, the smoke cleared and they saw Chaos with the beam inside her wings

Chaos: I'd say that blast caught me by surprise but I think it's my turn now

Chaos: I'd say that blast caught me by surprise but I think it's my turn now

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