Chapter 36: The Power of A God

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Haven Academy (3rd Person Pov)

Nobody dared move an inch, though they didn't show it they were shocked by Y/n's appearance, though Togara was more shocked that he had been in contact with the Grand Priest

Mercury: Come on he can't be that strong!

Mercury charged at Y/n then raised his leg thrusting it towards him multiple times trying to land a hit, all his attacks however missed annoying him and he resorted to throwing more wild attacks which all missed once again

Mercury: Is dodging all you can-!

Mercury was cut off when Y/n punched his gut making his eyes bulge out from the pain, he ended up flying upwards into the roof destroying it, he landed on the ground knocked out 

Emerald seeing this used her semblance to create fake images of herself around Y/n, one by one they charged at him yet he stood there doing nothing, the real Emerald then charged but got a boot to the face when she did, backflipping she charged but Y/n was one step ahead of her and had punched her making a crater from the sheer punch, Emerald stood there doing nothing, slowly she looked down to see his fist in her gut, her eyes rolled back and she fell to the ground knocked out

Y/n: Ikaros, Kazane

Kazane: Hmm?

Y/n: Take care of the maidens... I'm not going to bother with them

Raven: Why's that? Too scared you'll be-?

Raven was cut off when she felt winds blowing her back, forcing her to the walls she saw not only her but everyone was blown away, she looked to where Y/n originally was but found him gone, suddenly the windows shattered and the doors were blown off their hinges.

Everyone turned to Salem who had been punched by Y/n, everyone looking shocked as they saw her fly out of the Academy and land in the forest 

Raven: (I didn't even see him move, no I couldn't even sense him about to move, it was all so sudden!)

Hazel charged at Y/n for someone his size he was moving pretty quick but to Y/n it was childs play, he effortlessly dodged his fists with nothing to show he was actually trying, he then raised his index finger and stopped Hazel's huge fist with it 

Pyrrha: Did he just block his fist, with a finger?

Nora: Yup

Hazel was in shock, he knew the boy was strong but he didn't think he was strong enough to deflect a punch with all his strength with his finger, Y/n stared at him showing no expression on his face then in one quick movement had kicked Hazel up the face then proceeded to kicking his chest multiple times before grabbing his face then driving him into the ground, he then formed a ki blast in his palm that exploded on Hazel's face knocking him out 

Tyrian charged throwing his fists everywhere whilst laughing maniacally 

Tyrian: I can't wait to be the one to defeat you! *Laughs* My goddess will be so proud of me!

Tyrian raised his tail and went to slash Y/n with it, Y/n noticing the poison on it covered his fist in ki and smashed Tyrian's tail into nothing but bits making him scream in pain

Tyrian: Are you fucking kidding me!? That's the second time someone has done that!

Tyrian spun and tried to kick Y/n but his leg was caught, Y/n then jumped high up into the air then spun smashing Tyrian into the ground creating a crater from the power. Watts seeing he can't do anything raised his hands up expecting Y/n to not hurt him, Y/n however had other plans and gave him a kick to the neck instantly knocking him out once his head was dug into the wall

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