Chapter 46: Strong But Stupid

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L/n Household (3rd Person Pov)

Y/n was sitting on the table whilst watching Grayfia wash the dishes with Ikaros's help, he sat with a bored expression whilst Tia had sprawled herself all over his lap

Y/n: How long do you take?!

Grayfia: Why are you even here? Everyone else is either playing video games or training 

Y/n: Yeah well right now I don't want to do either of those, I'm bored of fighting Team RWBY and constantly defeating them without even trying 

Grayfia: You've got to remember they're humans, they're not devil's like me or a celestial saiyan like yourself, they have limits why not fight Issei and Vali?

Y/n: Their Diabolos Dragon forms are certainly impressive but they can barely hold the forms for 2 minutes

Grayfia: Why not battle Nymph?

Y/n: She wouldn't live to see the day

Grayfia: Kazane?

Y/n: Hmmm... I haven't seen the fullest extent of her abilities... I'll add her to the list

Y/n picks up a sheet of paper and a pen and writes down Kazane's name which was under Grayfia's 

Y/n: Okay so who else?

Grayfia: Why not the entirety of Rias's peerage at once?

Y/n: That's another good one

He writes down Rias's peerage underneath Kazane's name then thinks for a bit

Y/n: You know I want to know what it feels like to battle against Ikaros's Uranus System

Ikaros: Master I don't think that's a good idea

Y/n: It'll be fine Ikaros just make sure you don't shoot a destructive beam towards the ground 

Ikaros hesitantly nods and her name was written down 

Y/n: Now how about-

Astraea: What'cha doin~!

Y/n gives a cry of surprise and jumps as Astraea looks over at the sheet 

Y/n: What the hell! What's wrong with you, you could've killed me!

Astraea: I just wanted to know what your doing 

Y/n: It's none of your business

Astraea: But I wanna know!

Y/n: You do? That's too bad... now scram!

Astraea: No!

Y/n: Excuse me?

Astraea: I said no!

Y/n: Gosh your so stubborn!

Astraea: I am not stubborn! 

Y/n: You dug underground with your bare hands all in the name of hunting food which you didn't get!

Grayfia: *Sighs* Oh dear... they certainly have the most... interesting friendship out of everyone here

She turns her head to see Y/n and Astraea calling each other names and sighs 

Grayfia: (So strong yet so childish)


Planet Residing Light and Darkness (3rd Person Pov)

Xicor stood in front of the two Gods that stared at him with blank expressions

The Forbidden Child (M Saiyan Reader x DxD x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now