Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning kinda dazed as to where i was. Last thing i remember i was in becks car i don't remember even coming home. I reached up and put my hands in my face and felt an instant stinging pain. I pulled my hands away and got out of bed. And walked to the bathroom. I was still in my clothing from yesterday.  I looked in the mirror I had a cut lip 13 stitches and my left eye was blacker than holy hell. My right one had a small bruiser under it and then there were just some bruises in other places.  I was about to get in the shower when i saw a note

"Cat you can't shower for the next three days because of your cut"

That was a major piss off since I normally showered like twice a day. I washed most of my hair under the tap just to get it ungreasy. I put it up in a pony tail and walked out into the kitchen. I grabbed a yogurt from the fridge and ate it while searching my apartment for my phone. I finally found it on the table. I checked my slap account. And saw I had two texts from beck last night

Text 1- hey cat I just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to pick you up tomorrow morning

Text 2- I'm sorry

I put down my phone and spread out across the couch. I quickly dozed off

Becks POV

I sat in Sikowitz class wondering where cat was. I was really hoping she was ok what if something had happened to her. I found myself thinking like this more and more lately ever since I had found cat in the small crawlspace in the top of the blackbox. I thought maybe she would be there so I asked to use the washroom and went to check. I had never been here without cat. I slowly opened the door and crawled in. I was starting to wonder how little cat got all of this stuff up here... especially without anybody noticing. I was about to crawl back down when I heard the doors to the theatre open. I quickly and quietly closed the door and sat inside silently. I peered around the little 5x5 foot room. There were pictures lining the walls. Two large beanbags and some built in shelving. There was also a mirror in the corner and quite a few of cats belongings.  I peered through y he door and saw nobody so I quickly crawled back down again. I took a quick walk around the school to check if there were any other paces that cat may have went. She was nowhere to be found so I turned around and went to Sikowitz room. I walked in to the classroom and as I passed jade a note that said we really need to talk ASAP.

Jades POV

I got a note from beck

"We really need to talk ASAP"

I folded up the note and shoved it into my pocket. I spent the rest of class thinking what the hell beck wanted to talk to me about. As soon as the bell rang beck grabbed me by tale arm and pulled me to the empty blackbox theatre.

Beck- Jade what's been going on with you lately
Me- what do you mean
Beck- you and cat used to be best friends and just yesterday I had to rush her to the hospital because you beat her face in
Me- Cat has been really moody lately and I'm getting the I'm a spoiled brat vibe off of her
Beck- how so
Me- she never wants to participate anymore without reason she is always snapping at us she avoids us all of the sudden
Beck- Jade cats reasons for all of this are sooo far off from what you think it's not even in the same galaxy.
Me- and I suppose that you know these reasons
Beck- I sure do
me- well are you going to tell me or what
Beck- ok so her reason that she doesn't want to participate in things is because she has no energy anymore the past 6-7 months have been incredibly hard on her and she's drained emotionally and physically. She snaps because for the last few years her parents have been physically and verbally abusive which I'm sure you already know and she never wants to be around because she just feels like she gets in the way because she doesn't talk much anymore and she feels like you all feel like you have to take pitty on her and she hates it
me- oh my god I didn't know any of that
Beck- Jade when you slapped her the other day and I ran off do you know what I found her doing.
me- No
Beck- she was cutting herself jade when you hit her all of the memories of her parents came rushing back all at once and it completely took over her mind
Me- I'm an awful person
Beck- no your not you just didn't take the time to understand or listen you just turned her away.
me- beck where's cat I need to explain and apologize.
Beck- she's at home
me- alright I'll go there
Beck- wait I need to go with you
Me - why
Beck- you don't know the adress
Me- 11983 sparrow drive
Beck- she moved
Me- fine let's go

Cats POV

I woke up still on the couch at about 11:30 when I heard a knocking at the door. I sat up stretched out and walked over to the door. I looked to see back standing put there. A small smile crept across my face. I opened it

Me- Hey
Beck- how ya feelin
Me- actually fine I haven't taken any advise or anything.
Beck- I knew you'd tough it out
Me- hehe yea
Beck- so um cat you are going to hat me forever
Me- why
Beck- I kinda sorta told somebody about what's been going on with you
beck- hey hey don't worry
Me- wh-who was it
Back- (takes large breath) Jade
Me- beck why would you do that to me why would you tell her
Beck- Cat she feels like a piece of shit about all this she brought me here so she could apologize
Cat- what... really
Beck- yes... Jade come in

Jade slowly walks into the room and sits down in becks place and hugs me tight. She let's me go and looks at me

Jade- Cat I am so so sorry I had no clue what was happening in your life and I let my own selfishness and anger block it out. I1 feel awful about everything I said u want you to know though that I didn't mean a single word of it. It was all hot air that I was letting out. The honest truth is that you are my best friend and I started losing you so fast and it made me angry because I was clueless as to why. I don't have many people on my life I actually truly care about and it scares me when they start to leave me. Cat you have to know that I would do absolutely anything for your forgiveness and friendship again.
Me- Jade I don't think I could ever stay mad at you but I hope you know that in any other situation I would a kicked your ass (giggle )
Jade- keep dreaming valemtine

We hugged again and I looked back to see a big smile on becks face. I smiled back at him and got up and hugged him I whispered thank you into his ear and let go.

Me- so are you two getting back together
Jade- actually that's one thing I need to talk about
Beck- alright
Jade- I'm kinda dating Micheal
Beck- good for you Jade I'm glad
Jade- you aren't upset
Beck- not really
Jade- why not
Beck- because we had been drifting apart for a while I will always have strong feelings for you Jade but I think we'll be better friends
Jade- agreed

Both of them hug and then we're just kinda standing there. I went over to the balcony and stepped out for a cigarette. I took a puff and turned around to see jade staring at me. She walked out and grabbed it and took a drag off of it.

Jade- so were all cool right
Me- yea jade we will always be good

Hey so did you guys like the chapter?

I need ideas though guys please message them or comment them I will always give credit for the idea

The four chapters I wrote were supposed to spread out into about 10-12 chapters so I NEED NEED NEED ideas

Thank you for reading

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