Chapter 6

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I was sitting at home on the couch thinking about what had happened in Sikowitz class today. I just hated how nobody ever believed in me. Everybody looked at met and saw a ditzy dumb little redhead. I had grown up a lot lately all my bubblieness had faded away. My voice was no longer that eccentric always excited squeak. I had actually grown up but everybody still treated me like the same old cat. There was a new side to me that I wanted everybody to see. The more I thought about this the more upset I became. I don't even know why I'm in hollywood arts if I'll never get my chance to shine. I was always given the small parts. I had tried to prove myself. I could sing... lord everybody knee I could sing and i was damn good at it.

    I sat there and pulled out my sketch pad. I had a secret talent that nobody but my brother ever knew about. I opened it and flipped  through my sketches until I landed on a blank page. I started to draw. I drew half a face and noticed that i had drawn half of my face. I then drew the other half when i was done i looked down at it. One half was me with my hair down and a flower in it. I had a bright smile on my face and looked like a freshmen. I looked at the other half and it was me with a hood on with a look of pain in my eyes and a blank facial expression. Underneath in fancy handwriting i wrote A New Side of Catherina Valentine. I heard a knock at the door and placed the sketchbook on the coffee table and got up to answer the door. It was beck. Again a smile appeared on my face. I don't know what's been going on with me lately but every time I see beck or even  hear his name for that matter I can't help but smile and get butterflies. I opened up the door

beck- hey
Me- hey
Beck- why did you flip out in Sikowitz class today
Cat- you want to know why I flipped out on Sikowitz, you really want to know.
Beck- yes
Me- I'll tell you why Beck, I flipped out on Sikowitz because I'm sick of everybody looking at me and only seeing a ditzy dumb little redhead.  I'm sick of nobody ever believing in me. All I want is to have a big role in a play. I don't even want it to get noticed I want it so that for once in my worthless life I can prove to people that I'm more than what they see and lately i need it more to prove it to myself because you know what Beck I'm starting to believe them I-I-I-I just I-I-

At this point I was crying and nearly screaming. I was shaking and I just couldn't make the words come out. I kept trying when I felt two muscular arms wrap around me. Stood there bawling into becks chest while he rubbed my back. I felt safe and comforted and like somebody actually cared about me. I eventually stopped crying and realized that we had ended up sitting on the couch. I finally leaned away from beck and felt cold. I wiped my face and noticed that there was a large stain from tears and eyeliner on his shirt. He must have noticed me looking at it because when I went to apologize he instantly cut me off telling me not to worry about it. I finished wiping my face and saw beck staring at the sketch.

Beck- you know I've always seen this side of you even when nobody else did

He was pointing to the side of the sketch that was me now.

Me- really
Beck- Cat you can't fool me you might be able to fool everybody else but I've always known that under all those pink frilly dresses and hair bows and  that high pitched giggly voice was just a scared sad girl who just wanted to be understood.  And wanted nothing more than to be truly happy again.

My jaw dropped he knew exactly what was going on in my head. That's when i realized that i loved beck oliver

Me- Beck....
Beck- hmm
Me- thank you beck ghats the nicest sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me and also the most truthful.
Beck- like I said cat you can't fool me I don't know if it's because I love you or...

His voice trailed off and his eyes got a scared look in them and all o could think was beck oliver just said that he loved me.

Becks POV

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit did I just tell cat I love her. I didn't even know I loved her but I guess it all makes sense now. The feelings I get when I'm around her the way we get each other the way we can connect without even speaking. Then my mind snapped back to reality all I could think about was how she would never speak to me again and how our whole friendship was going to be ruined.

Cat- beck did you just say you love me
Me - umm yea I did... I'm sorry
Cat- I-I love you too beck
Me- Cat are you sure your thinking straight
Cat- of course I am beck why would I say it if I didn't mean it
Me- I guess you wouldn't

Cats POV

Oh my god I just said I love him I really hope things don't become awkward. I hat meant to say it's ol but it came out as I love you. That's when i felt his lips press against mine. I felt different but it also felt right. I hadn't noticed but I was kissing back. That's when i heard the door open and heard Jades voice

Jade- well look what we have here

My head snapped up to see jade and beck wiped his head around. He had a bit of a scared look in his eyes.

Beck- I-I gotta go cat I'll see you tomorrow k
Me - oh um ok see ya

Neck quickly walked 9yt the door. I felt sad that the moment had to end. That was one that i had secretly wanted for a long time.

Jade- so you and beck
Me- oh uh yea
Jade- Cat don't feel nervous I'm not upset
Me- it's not you its the fact that he said that he loved me
Jade- h - he said that he loved you
Me- yes
Jade- ok so tell me what all happened

I told jade everything from me explaining my freaky to beck I'm another freak out which resulted in him holding me whole I cried for nearly ten minutes. Then I explained the sketch and what he said to me. And then the I love you part and then I told her about me saying it back. After I had finished explaining everything jade had bit of a smirk on her face.

Me - why are you smirking
Jade- because I knew that this was coming
Me- really
Jade- yea I knew it even while we were dating
Me- is that why you started making sure I was never alone with him
Jade- yes
Me - oh
Jade- so this is kind of a dumb question but do you want beck to ask you out
Cat- yes
Jade- haha I knew it
Me- so why exactly did you come over
Jade- I need to crash here for a few days
Me- why
Jade- my parents told me when I fix my attitude they'll let me back in
Me- something tells me you'll be on my couch for more than a few days.
Jade- haha probably

We spent the rest of the night just talking about random shit and somehow it always came back to me and beck. We eventually passed out around 1 am. And the last thing g on my mind before I fell asleep was beck oliver

Becks POV

And the last thing on my mind before I fell asleep was Catherina Valentine

Well that was an eventful chapter but you all had to know that it was coming. Now the question is will beck actually make a bigger move or will he forget it ever happened. Find out in chapter 7

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