Chapter 9

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After leaving beck at the school we drove back to my apartment and started going through my clothes. We settled on a skin tight black dress that came down to just under mid thigh. I put on black heels and let my hair flow naturally. I still had the makeup on so the hand print wasn't noticeable I sat In my apartment with jade just thinking if where beck might be taking me.

    There was a knock on the door and.i got up to go and answer it. When i opened it beck was standing there In a white dress shirt and dark blue Jeans with a pair of brown leather shoes on. He was holding a bouquet of roses

Me- hey

Beck- hey beautiful these are for you.

I took the flowers and handed them to jade. I turned back to beck and we left. Once we got outside he walked me to his car and opened the for for me. We pulled away from the curb and started driving

Me- so where we goin

Beck- that new Italian place on Broadmoor.

Me- tasty

We kept driving until we got to the restaurant. He opened my door for me and ked me inside. I didn't think men did any of this anymore. Beck had made a special patio reservation for a table by the fireplace. We were seated so on ome side was the fire and on the other was the glass fence. We went to sit down and beck pulled my chair out for me. I swear he has more gentlemen in him that all of los angeles combined. We ordered our food. Me and beck both got the fettuccine Alfredo.

Beck- so you ready for our first run through tomorrow

Me- you  bet

Beck- I bet you've been studying the lines pretty hard the past few hours

Cat- actually I haven't even opened the script

Beck- Cat you have to nail this

Cat- don't worry I know every word of that play by heart

Beck- I call bullshit (laughs)

Cat-  Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty! make thick my blood stop up the access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between the effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts,  and take my milk for gall, you murd'ring ministers, wherever in your sightless substances you wait on nature's mischief! Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, 

Beck- ok I take it back

Cat- I've read the entire thing 27 times

Beck- Is that why y9u fought so hard is cuz you knew you'd nail it

Me- damn straight.

At that moment our food came. During the meal we made just small chit chat in between bites to make sure things didn't get to tense or awkward. After we were done the waiter brought the check and without thinking I pulled out my wallet. Beck snatched it

Beck- you're not paying a dime babe

Me- okay

We walked out to becks car and again he opened the door. We started to drive around.

Beck- Wanna see a movie

Me- sure

Beck- which one

Me- Jessabelle

Beck- ok

I picked the scariest movie out right now becau see e I knew there was a good chance beck would have to held me close to him. We went into the theatre and sat in the back row. We were the only ones within three rows of the back. By half way through the movie as i had predicted I was snuggled up as close as I could get to beck. I felt so safe  o matter how many times I would jump he'd stay motionless except for the little silent laugh he'd let out almost each and every time. After the movie ended me and back went back out to the car and we started to head in the direction of my apartment. We reached my building and he got out and opened the door for me. We walked up to my apartment and went inside.

Me- want a drink

Beck- what we talkin

Me- forty creek whiskey

Beck- whatcha Mixon it with

Me- coke

Beck- what the hell I'll have one

I poured two rye and cokes and we sat on the couch just chatting. That's when jade walked out of the bathroom

Jade-  hey how was the..... Cat are you drinking whiskey

Me- yea it's over there if you want a drink

Beck- I swear to gid cat valentine I learn new things about you every day

Me- I'm an endless mystery beck

Beck- seriously though I didn't know you drank

Jade- are you kidding me this girl can pound back a can of beer quicker than anyone I've t ever seen

I smiled at this a little. I had always thought of it as something to be proud of. Me back and jade sat in my apartment drinking till about 1 am. We didn't get drunk or anything just a nice buzz to take the edge off. I don't like being drunk.

Beck- I better get going

Me- beck your over the limit it slipped mind you needed to drive tonight

Beck- that's right I'll crash on your couch

Jade- like hell you will that couch is mine

Me- so I guess you'll be sleeping with me tonight babe

Beck- sounds good.

Me and beck walked off towards the bedroom. I went into the bathroom to get changed. I put on an oversized shirt and some really short short shorts. You couldn't even see them past the shirt. I walked out and beck had on no shirt and a pair of boxers on. I looked him up and down I didn't know that beck had abs or the fact that he was completely ripped everywhere else too. I watched as his eyes scanned me. They went up down up down and then he stared at my face I was assuming he was looking at the large bruise on my fave that was now visible because I washed all my makeup off. I walked over to him and looked up at him. In the past few months back had grown to be about 5'11" tall just shy of 6 feet. And then there's me at 5'3" I looked up at him again and he leant down and kissed me. We slowly walked backwards until we made it to the bed he layed down and I sat on his hip area and continued making out with him. That's when jade decided to barge in

Jade- whoa whoa you guys ain't fuckin in here are ya

Me- No now get the fuck out before I decapitate you

Jades eyes went wide and she smiled as she walked out closing the door leaving us in privacy once again.we resumed our little make out session for about 10 more minutes before we crawled under the covers to go to sleep. I snuggled into beck using his chest as a pillow and the other arm wrapped around my body. The last thing I thought before falling asleep was this is how I want to fall asleep every night

Beck- Me too babe

Me- Wait did I just say that out loud

Beck- Sure did

me- Oh well its true

Beck Night babe love you

Me- Love you too baby


Hey homies how did you like the chapter. Personally I loved writing it.

Remember to do all that wattpad shit I'm always nagging ya about

Thanks for readin


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