wake yall asses up!

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i know y'all feel the tension in the world, the whole universe is going through a shift. it's going to be very hard for a lot of y'all. nobody really knows what's going on and some do but the other side is scared.

y'all out here wearing masks, not knowing it resembles not having any rights. they used to put masks on slaves.

if you go outside with masks and gloves on just know, you let the government scare you into all that. just like you always do.

everybody wants to listen to the government or cnn or social media. and get on youtube and scare the fucking population about this virus.

these man made diseases that we're so scared to get. the vaccines the government provides for free yet there's still people out in the world with no homes or clothes.

y'all so stuck in your subconcious mind you don't even like trump cause the media tells you to. and who runs the media?

yeah he's not the brightest but at least he's tryna help you mfs out. he defunded the WHO, which is the company that created the fucking virus. Yes, created. This shit didn't come from thin air, it was made in a lab and it has been patented.

look it up if you don't believe me "coronavirus us patent"

and in his presidency, obama donated millions. I SAID MILLIONS. But y'all want this mf to be president again. He knew about the virus before anybody, him and Bill Gates.

All these crooked people are tied to each other. Our people are so divided and it pisses me off. I don't know why I feel like I even have to wake you mfs up, y'all honestly do not care.

You're gonna continue to do the same shit you been doing. It's like you're all afraid to know the truth, and I quite frankly don't give a fuck. I'd rather do this now, get it out the way.

Y'all need to expand your conciousness and stop being scared. The world is shifting and the higher we go the lower you will go. And it's not gonna be pretty for anybody that chooses to stay in the 3d dimension. We going all the way up to 5d conciousness and God isn't giving y'all much time to do so. Cause y'all should've been on it.

You had your whole lives to wake up, no matter how old you are. This was not your first time on this Earth. Your vibrations never died, you've been here since the beginning of time and have to continue reincarnating cause you like money so much, you wanna be liked so bad, you want friends, a nice car, nice house, and wanna basically be better than the people you know. And that's not your soul it's your ego.

Y'all so comfortable living a fake ass life. This Earth was a gift to YOU, not the other way around. Mfs sit around and complain about not being happy but continue to do shit that keeps them that way.

I feel like the general population is comfortable with being depressed. Y'all are comfortable with having these man made diseases, terrorizing you and your families.

Get the fuck out of your hypnosis state. It's time to wake the fuck up and I'm so serious about everything I'm saying.

We are not here to be slaves, and if you're reading this that's exactly what you are. You let these people control you, tell you what to do, say, eat, believe, and everything.

Poverty would not exist if it wasn't for these people. Nobody ever questions the world, it's time to start doing it. Times a ticking and some of y'all gone be outta luck. Not to scare y'all but considering they use fear to scare y'all I'ma do the same thing cause it obviously works.

Y'all have no idea how crazy this world is about to get. For those that are still sleep, I'm praying for you to wake up before it's too late.

Not everyone is going to see the New Earth. You'll be living in a hell mind state for the rest of your life and it's gonna be nobodies fault but yours.

And then to those that keep backing out of waking up, those people do not care about you. I've seen people come and go and I wish them nothing but the best. Y'all are scared just like the sheeple. Wanna be somebody you're not, your purpose is to find your soul and take control of your mind.

And it's sad how many of y'all can't even do that. I'm pissed off honestly, this is sad. It's actually sick that y'all don't even know you're being controlled. Y'all have so much pride and love to gloat about your successes and can't even have a conversation with yourself.

Bless all of your souls, your true self is sitting there bored cause you think this is a movie. Baby it's not gone be like that until you gain knowledge of thyself.

Some of y'all know and don't do anything about it and I wanna know why? What's making all of this so hard for you? You care to much about outside opinions? Like I'd rather better myself with no friends or family rather than stick around people that will get me down.

Get out your root chakra and move into your heart, open your hearts up and stop being so bitter. Y'all gone be in for a rude awakening when you find out your whole life was living inside a conspiracy theory.

Wake up now or be lost forever. You only get one opportunity, judgement day is not too far away.

Let your friends know what's going on, and if they ain't up for it ✌🏾

You can't keep people around that don't see the vision. I just plant seeds in the mind, you gotta water and nurture it with knowledge.

We got all this technology and you'd rather sit on your ass and scroll through your timeline. The information is out there for everyone, y'all just lazy as a mf.

(Tag friends, cause it's about to get serious and I'm not even joking. And if y'all think I'm talking out my ass, the truth will reveal itself in due time. I can bet you that. Anyways go back and read this book if you haven't already)

And if anybody wanted to talk more about this stuff or had any questions I have a new groupchat that actually want to learn more and get into some crazier shit. It's on telegram.

So message me on tele @juicytiti and I'll add you. It's an open chat to everybody you don't have to be a specific age, race, sexuality. We don't discriminate, we just wanna help y'all learn more about the life y'all living.

It's been a life changing experience for me and the other girls and boys. Just take a minute to check it out, it won't hurt you 💕

God bless everyone and I wish the best of luck to everyone going through this shift. I just want y'all to wake up

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