So Far

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Class: 1-A


It started with a letter.

A single piece of paper left outside the dorm building.

On it was an English written word. According to Momo, it translated to "Captain".

When we gave this to Leona she had no reaction other than a slow blink.

Then the next morning there were two letters. They said the same thing. Each in a different handwriting from the first.

And then there were three letters, then six, nine and so on. Every letter handwriting matched one of the three original.

At first, she just threw them out, but then they started accumulating in masses our trash cans couldn't fit. So she took them to training and had us destroy them in different ways.

It was only when they started to be written in red ink that things began to change. Starting that day we had an extra hour of hero training with Leona.

She started simple- she fought each of us hand to hand no quirk to gauge where we were. Uraraka and Kacchan lasted the longest but no one won against her.

It was the next day of training that we found out why lessons were being held with her.

"The goal of this is to defend yourself against me."

"Against you?" Momo asked. Leona only nodded as a response- not answering the lingering question- why?

"The first thing I'm going to show you is how to resist Override."

"Wait, we can train ourselves to resist your quirk?" I asked, confused.

She nodded gravely. This would lose the edge she had over our class- it didn't make sense as to why, she didn't look happy about it either. She was throwing away her trump card.

The next morning during breakfast, as she was sifting through the hundreds of letters that point she stood up knocking her empty mug over. "Deku."

"Yeah?" I said through a mouthful of toast.

"Deku- we- we need to leave."


"Deku we need to get Bakugou and- no they don't have their licenses." She slewed a bunch of words in English. "Okay, We need Kirishima, Uraraka, and Iida- no not him. Momo- yeah she can translate if there are things you don't understand, yeah that will work."

"Leona- what are you talking about?" I was ignored as she went inside and stood on her bed grabbing a box she dumped it out, yellow papers spilling everywhere. She quickly sifted through them and grabbed a few. "Deku c'mon we have to go."

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