Chapter 5: The Ring Of Destruction

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You kicked Cat Noir, and heard the thump of him hitting the roof a few feet away.

"Grab his miraculous!" Hawkmoth yelled in excitement.

You were about to get Cat Noir, when you received a swift kick in your shoulder, and next thing you know, you're tumbling towards the edge of the roof. 

Ladybug spoke triumphantly."I may not have my yo-yo, but that doesn't mean I can't catch your Akuma."

You managed to grab onto the edge of the roof with one hand, and tore off the blindfold with the other, letting It fall onto the sidewalk below you.

You pulled yourself back onto the roof as Cat Noir collected himself, standing beside ladybug.

Your head turned towards Ladybug as a beeping sound came from her earrings, and her eyes widened. "Cat Noir, I'm going to transform back soon!"

"I dont think I have much time left either. We gotta wrap this up." He responded.

"We need to go and refuel, Cat Noir." She spoke.

He nodded, and they both suddenly turned in opposite directions, and began leaping across rooftops.

You booked it after Cat Noir, and as he was about to jump towards the building in front of  him, you jumped, catching him in midair and pinning him down on the rooftop. You straddled his back as he struggled to push you off. 

You reached for his arm, grabbing it tightly and bending it back towards you. You heard a shriek of pain rip from his throat, and a pop, followed by a crack from his shoulder. The sound made you slightly nauseous, but you continued regardless.

You readjusted your hand, which now gripped his wrist.

You grabbed the ring, and began to pull it from his finger. There was a series of beeps, and Cat Noir's outfit began to disappear.

You smiled as the purple symbol appeared on your face. "I-I dont believe it.."

"You got the miraculous..."

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