v. loudmouths in the library

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* .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

𝙖𝙘𝙩 1:𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙤𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 5

     THE FOLLOWING DAY ZAMIRA WAS SAT AT A TABLE IN THE LIBRARY, with Lily Evans. Zamira had her first history of magic class of the year today and Binns had already given them homework. So there she sat writing a 4-page essay on the giant wars.

Lily didn't have any homework, but she had bumped into Zamira in the corridor and insisted on coming with her to the library. Lily was always a really good friend to Zamira, ever since the day they first met at the slug club, they'd gotten along really well.

"so Remus tells me you asked him to the slug club party on Saturday," Lily said to the younger girl rather smugly

"uh, yeah... Adilyn wouldn't shut up about getting me a date, so I asked someone" replied Zamira stuttering slightly.

"oh so you're ditching me and Severus for dates now" joked the redheaded girl

"Oh shut up, you know I would never ditch the two of you"

the two girls laughed together, apparently a little too loud.

"Shhhh!" Madam Pince, the librarian shushed the two girls sternly, with a rather disgusted look on her face

"sorry" they apologised simultaneously, both of their voices sounding monotone

but as soon as Madam Pince was out of earshot their giggles began once again.

             •          •          •          •          •         •

             •          •          •          •          •         •

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* .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

ZAMIRA HAD LEFT THE LIBRARY THAT DAY WITH A GOAL IN MIND. What was that goal you may be wondering?

to find Zak Dameron.

you see Zak just happened to be a beater on the Ravenclaw quidditch team, and Zamira desperately needed to practice if she was planning on actually making the team this year. Tryouts were being held a week from now, so from this point on, Zamira was determined to become as good as she possibly could at quidditch in less than seven days.

but as Zamira had walked into the Ravenclaw common room and spotted him, she realised the slight dilemma she had on her hands...

she didn't exactly know Zak. The pair had had about a total of 5 conversations in the past five years, and sure they had sort of gotten to know each other in arithmancy yesterday but anxiety clouded Zamira's confidence and she was unsure whether or not-

"um, do you need something?"

great. just great.

Zamira had been slightly startled as the sudden question snapped her out of her plethora of overthinking, and as the young girl came back to reality she realized that the entire time she was debating whether or not to ask Zak for help, she had been standing about 5 bloody centimetres in front of the boy staring at him.

to say that Zamira Hollow was embarrassed would most definitely be an understatement right now.

"u-um w-well actually i-"

she cut herself off with a sigh after realising she probably sounded like a bloody idiot trying to stutter out a coherent sentence.

Zak was still looking at her confused. the poor boy. Although it took a minute Zamira had finally gathered herself along with some courage.

"look I know that we don't really know each other that much, but I don't know anyone that's on the quidditch team and I know you are, and I'm planning on trying out again this year but I need to get in some practice so I was wondering if-"

"yeah sure" the black-haired boy cut her off

She stared a boy with slight confusion considering she hadn't even gotten to ask her question yet.

"I saw you try out last year and I actually think you're pretty good, so if you're looking for someone to practice with, I'm in"

the mix of anxiousness and confusion on Zamira's face quickly fixed itself into a wide smile with a gleaming look of hope in her eyes.


"Yeah, of course, I want to get in a bit of practice anyways so may as well. You're trying out for chaser again this year, right?"

"Yeah, yeah I am"

"Okay, well you busy tonight," asked the boy

"no I'm free anytime from now" Zamira replied excitedly

"Okay, great then meet me on the quidditch pitch in about half an hour?"

"okay great see you then"

Zak replied with a smile in Zamira's direction as he walked away to the boy's dormitories.

that night, the two teenagers practiced for what felt like ages to Zamira. But she was happy, she had learned a few things from Zak to help her at try-outs, and over the few hours that they played together, she had realised that they actually got along really well. to say the least Zak Dameron was really starting to grow on Zamira.

and with the thought that she could actually get to be on the quidditch team this year, Zamira fell asleep peacefully that night.

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